apals / FairManager

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Welcome to FairManager, an administrative service to handle and manage companies, events, user and much more for your event!

To add new views

See the example folder: https://github.com/apals/FairManager/tree/master/client/app/edit-partner

In order to add a new view in the front-end, do the following

  1. Create a folder with the view-name in client/app/

  2. In this folder, create 3 files: the .html-file, the .controller.js (with the naming convention) file, and a .js file

  3. The .js file should contain the route logic, see for example https://github.com/apals/FairManager/blob/master/client/app/edit-partner/edit-partner.js authenticate: admin also restricts the routes to users with administrator-access. See possible roles in client/app/app.constant.js

  4. If you want to add this to the navbar in the top, find navbar.controller.js in client/components/navbar and add it to the menu-list. If you want to add to the right-hand side of the navbar, add it in the navbar.html file.

what the generator did and what it didn't

An example project generated with the generator can be found here: https://github.com/DaftMonk/fullstack-demo

Addressing critique

Clarification is required. Files are not structured well, however, code are divided well but a lot of code repetition exist, hence request of clarification.


Splash screen

Launcher screenshot


Events screenshot     Armada event screenshot Armada event chat screen screenshot "Global" map for maps


Exhibitors Exhibitor search Spotify exhibitor







Generating tool

The projects folder structure, the client-side testing suite and the authentication process was generated with the Angular Full-Stack Generator, version 3.3.0.

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository using git clone git@github.com:apals/FairManager.git and enter the directory where it was cloned.

  2. Run npm install to install server dependencies.

  3. Run bower install to install front-end dependencies.

  4. Run mongod in a separate shell to keep an instance of the MongoDB Daemon running

  5. Run grunt serve to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.

Build & development

Run grunt build for building and grunt serve for preview.
