A utility that converts PDF to Stylus Labs Write document, and vice versa.
There are two ways to annotate PDFs.
pdftowrite example.pdf
: Convert .pdf to .svgzexample.svgz
with Stylus Labs Write and write your notes)writetopdf example.svgz -o example-annot.pdf
: Convert .svgz to .pdfpdftowrite
converts PDF pages to SVG paths with invisible but selectable text
layers, so you can preserve text as selectable characters.
You should use writetopdf
instead of Write's PDF exporter which does not
support some features (e.g. Unicode text, multi-coords tspans, etc.).
The result PDF (excluding annotations) is, however, not 100% the same as the original PDF. This is because:
pdftowrite example.pdf
: Convert .pdf to .svgzexample.svgz
with Stylus Labs Write and write your notes)writetopdf --annot example.svgz -o example-annot.pdf
: New PDF = Original PDF + AnnotationsYou can see that --annot
option is added in 3. If the option is added,
creates a new PDF by overlaying annotations on top of the original
PDF pages. This is similar to Xournal's method.
You can annotate different PDF file with --pdf-file FILE
option. e.g.:
writetopdf --annot --pdf-file example2.pdf example.svgz -o example2-annot.pdf
pip install --user pdftowrite
)You need to manually install the packages. e.g.:
sudo apt install poppler-utils inkscape imagemagick gzip libxml2-dev libxslt-dev wkhtmltopdf pdftk librsvg2-bin
sudo dnf install poppler inkscape ImageMagick gzip libxml2-devel libxslt-devel wkhtmltopdf pdftk librsvg2-tools
sudo pacman -S poppler inkscape imagemagick gzip libxslt wkhtmltopdf pdftk librsvg
usage: pdftowrite [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] [-f] [-m {mixed,poppler,inkscape}]
[-C] [-d DPI] [-g PAGES] [-u NODUP_PAGES] [-Z] [-s SCALE]
[-x X] [-y Y] [-X XRULING] [-Y YRULING] [-l MARGIN_LEFT]
Convert PDF to Stylus Labs Write document
positional arguments:
FILE A pdf file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Specify output filename
-f, --force Overwrite existing files without asking
-m {mixed,poppler,inkscape}, --mode {mixed,poppler,inkscape}
Specify render mode (default: mixed)
-C, --no-compat-mode Turn off Write compatibility mode
-d DPI, --dpi DPI Specify resolution for bitmaps and rasterized filters
(default: 96)
-g PAGES, --pages PAGES
Specify pages to convert (e.g. "1 2 3", "1-3")
(default: all)
-u NODUP_PAGES, --nodup-pages NODUP_PAGES
Specify no-dup pages (e.g. "1 2 3", "1-3") (default:
-Z, --nozip Do not compress output
-s SCALE, --scale SCALE
Scale page size (default: 1.0)
-x X Specify the x coordinate of the viewport of <svg>
(default: 10.0)
-y Y Specify the y coordinate of the viewport of <svg>
(default: 10.0)
Specify x rulling (default: 0.0)
Specify y rulling (default: 40.0)
-l MARGIN_LEFT, --margin-left MARGIN_LEFT
Specify margin left (default: 100.0)
Specify paper color (default: #FFFFFF)
Specify rule color (default: #9F0000FF)
usage: writetopdf [-h] [-v] [--annot] [--pdf-file PDF_FILE] [-o OUTPUT] [-f]
[-g PAGES] [-s SCALE]
Convert Stylus Labs Write document to PDF
positional arguments:
FILE A Write document
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--annot Use annotation mode
--pdf-file PDF_FILE Specify the PDF file to be annotated
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Specify output filename
-f, --force Overwrite existing files without asking
-g PAGES, --pages PAGES
Specify pages to convert (e.g. "1 2 3", "1-3")
(default: all)
-s SCALE, --scale SCALE
Scale page size (default: 1.0)