aperloff / WDTSscraper

Scrape WDTS produced PDF files for information about DOE run STEM pipeline programs.
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Scrape US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) produced PDF files for information about DOE run STEM pipeline programs. The information is taken from WDTS, the US Census Bureau, and the US Department of Education.

The currently list of STEM pipeline programs whose information can be gathered and parsed are:

To report a bug or request a feature, please file an issue.

Table of Contents


Local Installation

If you wish to install the dependencies yourself and only wish to checkout the code and download the needed input data, then you may use the following commands.

git clone git@github.com:aperloff/WDTSscraper.git

If the necessary input files were downloaded correctly you should see some output which looks like:

Creating the directory data/us_map ... DONE
Creating the directory data/schools ... DONE
Creating the directory data/CCI ... DONE
Creating the directory data/SCGSR ... DONE
Creating the directory data/SULI ... DONE
Creating the directory data/VFP ... DONE
Downloading the US map information ... DONE, VERIFIED
Extracting the US map shapefiles ... DONE
Downloading information about US postsecondary schools ... DONE, VERIFIED
Extracting the school information ... DONE
Downloading the list of CCI participants ... DONE, VERIFIED
Downloading the list of SCGSR participants ... DONE, VERIFIED
Downloading the list of SULI participants ... DONE, VERIFIED
Downloading the list of VFP participants ... DONE, VERIFIED

SUCCESS::All files downloaded!

Available Docker Images

If you'd rather use a clean environment, there is an available set of Docker image (aperloff/wdtsscraper) with the following tags:

Further information about using these images will be given below (see Using Docker).

Command Line Interface

Basic example

python3 python/WDTSscraper.py -C python/configs/config_all-programs_2021.py

The output will be an image file.


The command line options available are:

The number of files, types, and years must be equal (i.e. you can't specify 10 input files and years, but only 9 program names).


There are two tools used for managing the input data collected from the US government:

Using Docker

There are a few workflows available when using the Docker images:

  1. You may choose to use the latest image as a clean environment, but download up-to-date input files. In this case, you will need to run the data/download.sh script manually.
  2. You may choose to use the latest-data image, which already contains the input data. In this case, you will only need to run python/WDTSscraper.py
  3. An alternative mode has you checkout the code and download the input data locally, but use one of the Docker images to provide the necessary dependencies. In this case, the code and input data within the image will automatically be replaced by your local version using a bind mount. This method is most useful for people wishing to develop a new feature for the repository, but who want to avoid installing the dependencies on their local machine. The resulting images will be copied back to the host machine. To run in this mode, a helper script has been developed to wrap up all of the Docker complexities. Simply run:

    .docker/run.sh -C python/configs/config_all_programs_2021.py

    Note: To use this running mode, you will need to have permission to bind mount the local directory and the local user will need permission to write to that directory as well. This is typically not a problem unless the repository has been checked out inside a restricted area of the operating system or the permissions on the directory have been changed.


Here are some examples of the types of images which can be created.

The first one displays the DOE national laboratories involved in the VFP, the home institutions for the faculty and students involved, and the connections between those home institutions and the national laboratories. The plot covers from 2015 to 2021 and includes all research areas.

VFP connections 2015-2021

The second image shows the DOE national laboratories and home institutions involved in the CCI, SCGSR, SULI, and VFP programs, but only for students and faculty verifiably involved in high energy physics (HEP) research. Because there was no information about the type of research being done by CCI participants, there are no makers on the plot for that programs. Once again this plot covers from 2015 to 2021.

HEP pipeline programs 2015-2021


Required dependencies:

There is a script available to make sure all of the needed dependencies are installed:

python3 python/check_for_dependencies.py

Optional dependencies:


Pull requests are welcome, but please submit a proposal issue first, as the library is in active development.

Current maintainers:

Unit Testing

Unit testing is performed using bats for shell scripts and PyTest for the Python modules. You are of course allowed to install these programs locally. However, shell scripts have been setup to make this procedure as easy as possible.

Bats for Bash scripts

The Bats tests are currently setup to test the data/download.sh and data/clean.sh shell scripts. These tests rely on a stable internet connection and the government servers being healthy.

First, the Bats software needs to be setup. This is a process that only needs to happen once. To setup the software run the following command from within the repository's base directory:

test/bats_control.sh -s

Once the software is setup, you can run the tests using:


If everything is working correctly, the output will be:

 ✓ Check download
 ✓ Check clean

2 tests, 0 failures

To remove the Bats software run:

./test/bats_control.sh -r

Pytest for Python modules

To run the python unit/integration tests, you will need to have PyTest installed. To create a local virtual environment with PyTest installed, use the following commands from within the repository's base directory:

./test/pytest_control.sh -s

You only have to run that command when setting up the virtual environment the first time. You can then run the tests by using the command:


You should see an output similar to:

======================================================== test session starts ========================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.10, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: <path to WDTSscraper>
collected 2 items

test/test.py ..                                                                                                               [100%]

======================================================== 2 passed in 13.34s =========================================================

You can pass addition options to PyTest using the -o flag. For example, you could run the following command to increase the verbosity of PyTest:

./test/pytest_control.sh -o '--verbosity=3'

Other helpful pytest options include:

To remove the virtual environment use the command:

./test/pytest_control.sh -r

which will simply remove the test/venv directory.


Linting is done using ShellCheck for the Bash scripts and PyLint for the Python code. The continuous integration jobs on GitHub will run these linters as part of the PR validation process. You may as well run them in advance in order to shorten the code review cycle. PyLint can be run as part of the Python unit testing process using the command:

test/pytest_control.sh -l

Unfortunately, ShellCheck is not installable via PyPI. If you install ShellCheck locally, you would need to run it using the command:

find ./ -type f -regex '.*.sh$' -not -path './/test/venv/*' -exec shellcheck -s bash -e SC2162 -e SC2016 -e SC2126 {} +

ShellCheck is also installed inside the Docker image and you can run it as part of method (3) from the Using Docker section. In that case you would need to run:

docker run --rm -t --mount type=bind,source=${PWD},target=/WDTSscraper aperloff/wdtsscraper:latest /bin/bash -c "find ./ -type f -regex '.*.sh$' -not -path './/test/venv/*' -exec shellcheck -s bash -e SC2162 -e SC2016 -e SC2126 {} +"

Acknowledgments / Contributors

Many thanks to the following users who've contributed ideas, features, and fixes: