apexdesigner / apex-cluster-manager

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Apex Cluster Manager

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Managing containerized applications in Kubernetes can feel overwhelming. Apex Cluster Manager makes it easy to manage your containerized apps.


Under the Covers

Apex Cluster Manager is built in the Apex Designer low code platform, packaged as a docker image and runs inside your Kubernetes cluster. It manages apps with stanard Kubernetes tools:


Here are the steps to install Apex Cluster Manager on your local machine. Steps 1-3 are for macOS. If you are on Windows or Linux, please see the corresponding instructions on the tool websites.

  1. Install kubectl: brew install kubectl

  2. Install helm: brew install helm

  3. Install kind: brew install kind

  4. Create a kind cluster

    By default, a kind cluster only exposes a single port. To make it easy to access apps running in your cluster, you can expose additional ports on the kind cluster with a configuration file by running this command:

    curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apexdesigner/apex-cluster-manager/main/kind/Cluster.yaml | kind create cluster --config -
  5. Install Apex Cluster Manager

    Use helm to install Apex Cluster Manager. Be sure to replace your.email with your email address.

    helm install apex-cluster-manager \
        https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apexdesigner/apex-cluster-manager/main/helm-charts/apex-cluster-manager-0.0.18.tgz \
        --create-namespace -n apex-cluster-manager \
        -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apexdesigner/apex-cluster-manager/main/kind/apex-cluster-manager.values.yaml \
        --set environmentVariables.adminEmails=your.email
  6. It will take a while to download the image and start the pod. You can use this command to watch the status of the pod:

    kubectl get pods -n apex-cluster-manager

    When it looks like this, Apex Cluster Manager is ready to use:

    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    apex-cluster-manager-6685cf54f8-rs5g6   1/1     Running   0          3h38m
  7. Access Apex Cluster Manager at http://localhost:30000

Ideas and Feedback

Please feel free to open issues in this repository with any questions, ideas or feedback.