Package ‘ooacquire’ makes it possible to control, modify settings and acquire spectral data directly from within R. It can be also used off-line to read raw-counts data from files saved by Ocean Insight’s software and hardware. In both cases it implements the conversion of raw-counts data into physical quantities, with different protocols to improve the dynamic range and corrections to reduce stray-light and other sources of noise.
In sunlight, array spectrometers due to their single monochromator have a noise floor of three orders of magnitude, which makes it impossible to measure the UV-B band. With special characterization of the spectrometer, one of the procedures implemented improves the noise floor by at least one order of magnitude. With care, this allows reliable measurement of the spectral irradiance of sunlight at ground level including UV-B, UV-A, VIS and NIR regions.
The User Guide menu of the on-line documentation includes in addition to the vignettes included in the package, two on-line only chapters: a tutorial on how to measure spectral irradiance with ‘oocquire’ and a description of the algorithms used.
Package ‘ooacquire’ supports most types of Ocean Optics spectrometers from former Ocean Optics, now Ocean Insight ( The free runtime of the OmniDriver SDP is no longer supported by Ocean Optics and, thus, no longer available. The free runtime of the OmniDriver SDP and Java need both to be installed before data acquisition is possible.
Ocean Insight has discontinued support for OmniDriver in mid 2024! This means that the runtime can no longer be downloaded from Ocean Optics support site. If you already have an installer file for OmniDriver, package ‘rOmniDriver’ can be still used. Package ‘ooacquire’ can be installed without installing OmniDriver, but only off-line processing of spectra and import of spectral data from files obtained with other software from OceanOptics remains enabled. All functions that connect to spectrometer hardware are disabled in the absence of an installed OmniDriver driver.
Not only the last release but also previous releases of OmniDriver are supported by ‘rOmniDriver’. I will investigate if SeaBreeze can be used as a replacement for OmniDriver through a new package replacing ‘rOmniDriver’. Basic functionality seems to be well supported, but fast buffered acquisition of spectra does not seem to be supported. On the other hand, SeaBreeze is open source and written in C++. The Python version should be the easiest to use but can be expected to be slower. I will most likely try to support the Python library at least, as it is compatible with more spectrometers, including the only one I have unrestricted access to: an old USB2000.
Under MS-Windows with RStudio, package ‘RJava’ is not compatible with R (==4.2.0). It crashes and consequently ‘ooacquire’ cannot be loaded. Only known solution to this bug is to use R (\<=4.1.3) or R (>=4.2.1).
Package ‘ooacquire’ provides high level functions for spectral data acquisition built using lower level functions from package ‘rOmniDriver’ as a base. It also provides functions for reading “raw” (= detector) counts data from files and for computing physical quantities from detector counts. If package ‘rOmniDriver’ is not available, ‘ooacquire’ will enter its off-line mode in which all functions that communicate with the spectrometer are disabled or trigger an error, while other functions will be usable. Thanks to the off-line mode, raw data previously acquired with this package or with software from Ocean Insight can be processed without the need to install packages ‘rOmniDriver’ and ‘rJava’ or the OmniDriver drivers from Ocean Insight. Ocean Insight’s SPAM library is not used as all computations are done in function defined in this package using R and C++.
Acquisition is very flexible with respect to measuring protocols. It caters for all steps involved in the acquisition of spectral data from connecting to the instrument(s) and retrieving information from non-volatile memory, setting and adjusting acquisition parameters, acquiring raw counts and converting them into counts per second. It supports bracketing of the integration time for high dynamic range (HDR) protocols, both with respect to data acquisition and merging/splicing of spectra. It also supports protocols in which the total measuring time is kept constant by adjusting in coordination integration time and number of scans averaged. It works seamlessly together with package photobiology on which it also depends.
In addition to directly acquiring RAW counts data, raw-counts data can be read from files with automatic decoding of the corresponding acquisition metadata from file headers. Files saved by OceanView or SpectraSuite software from Ocean Optics, or directly by Jaz spectrometers can be read. Raw data read from files and acquired directly is stored in the same format. Consequently, data from either origin can be used as the starting point for the computation of spectra expressed as corrected counts-per-second with the same flexibility and code.
High level functions in this package and in package photobiology allow the easy conversion of counts-per-second into the physical quantities of interest such as spectral irradiance, spectral transmittance, spectral reflectance, spectral absorptance and spectral absorbance.
Functions in ‘ooacquire’ related to data acquisition use the free OmniDriver run-time which in turn requires Java. Once these are installed, there is no other set up needed, just plug a spectrometer to an USB port. The first time you connect an instrument the operating system will install the drivers as they are made available by the OmniDriver installation.
Direct acquisition has been well tested with our Maya2000Pro, Flame and Jaz instruments under MS-windows 7. MS-Windows 10, and MS-Windows 11, it is known to work under OS X, and can be expected to work also under Linux distributions. It can be expected to support all modern spectrometers from Ocean Optics as long as they are supported by the OmniDriver free runtime.
Package ‘ooacquire’ manages acquisition settings semi-automatically storing all the settings needed for acquisition into a single data object. Functions for automatic tuning of integration time are also provided. Settings used for acquisition of spectra and a descriptor of the instrument are stored at the time of acquisition as attributes of the object where the raw counts are stored. These metadata are preserved through all processing steps. Most of these metadata are also available in the header of data files created with software from Ocean Insight. When raw-counts data are read from files, these metadata are read and saved to the objects together with the data. The aim is to make traceability of the origin of the data automatic.
Package ‘rOmniDriver’ makes available in R the API functions from the OmniDriver SDP by wrapping the Java calls in R functions of the same name and doing argument type conversions when needed. OmniDriver allows to change settings and acquire spectra using most Ocean Optics USB-connected spectrometers. As support for some older devices has been discontinued in recent versions of OmniDriver, to use, for example, the formerly very popular USB2000 spectrometer, it is necessary to install an old version of OmniDriver instead of the current one.
The ‘ooacquire’ package should be preferably installed after the system requirements are met by installing drivers and software required at the operating system level. Please, read carefully the whole installation instructions before attempting to install this package.
Some of the systems requirements need to be installed only for direct connection of spectrometers. If spectral data will be input from files on disk to do computations rather than acquired from a connected spectrometer, installation of the OmniDriver runtime, package ‘rOmniDriver’ and their respective dependencies can be skipped. ‘ooacquire’ detects their absence and switches to an “off-line” mode.
Installation of Java/Temurin and OmniDriver should be done first.
option, which ensures dependencies will be installed automatically.
Once the option is set, installation is as for packages hosted at
CRAN. Using the menu entry in RStudio or RGui or R prompt.The package is not hosted in CRAN, but instead at “CRAN-like” repository in the R-Universe serving source packages as well as Windows, OS X (Apple Mac) and Ubuntu binaries.
In recent versions of R an option can be set to make this repository visible to R before installing this package and ‘rOmniDriver’ as usual.
repos <- getOption("repos", default = list())
repos[["r4photobiology"]] <- "'"
options(repos = repos)
Without setting the option, it is also possible to pass the URL in the call, together with the CRAN URL to ensure that dependencies are installed.
repos = c('',
Steps 1 and 2 are described in the README file of ‘rOmniDriver’, which can be found in its on-line documentation site. Make sure to read it, follow step by step the installation, testing success after each step making sure all the required software is properly installed before attempting to install ‘ooacquire’.
Installation from sources is also possible directly from the Git repository at GitHub. For this we can use package ‘remotes’ (or package ‘pak’). This rarely needed, except to install a non default branch or from a specific commit. The repository is updated with no more than 1 h of lag to match default branch of each of the packages in GitHub that are registered.
Package ‘ooacquire’ although coded mainly in R, includes one function in C++. Thus, build chain for R packages needs to be installed when installing it directly from GitHub. In MS-Windows this is achieved by installing Rtools and in OS X and Linux by installing the tools needed to build R packages from sources.
Assuming that R and the build tools are installed the following steps should be done in sequence:
Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 are described in the README file of ‘rOmniDriver’, which can be found in its on-line documentation site. Make sure to read it, follow step by step the installation, testing success after each step making sure all the required software is properly installed before attempting to install ‘ooacquire’.
Installation of the current version from GitHub:
# install.packages("remotes")
The package includes calibration data for the spectrometers used in testing the package and that are used by myself and collaborators. The last step before being able to use the package is to obtain calibration data for the spectrometers to be used and their descriptor and saving them in a suitable format. At least one correction method needs also to be defined for each spectrometer. Depending on how detailed has been the characterization of the spectrometer different corrections are possible. The source package includes a folder ‘data-raw’ with examples of how this can be done. The process cannot be easily automated as bad pixels and suitable reference wavelengths need to be chosen based both on the instrument used and light source to be measured.
Documentation includes five vignettes in addition to help pages. The
examples in the vignettes and help pages use spectral data from
measurements done with this package as well as output files created by
Ocean Optics’s software. These data files are in folder exdata
Scripts containing examples that can be in most cases used with only
small edits are in folder example-scripts
of this package.
A simple example using no dark reference scans.
folderpath <- system.file("extdata", package = "ooacquire")
file_names <- list(light = paste(folderpath,
"irrad-files/light-short.txt", sep = "/"))
one_file.spct <-
s_irrad_corrected(x = file_names,
descriptor = which_descriptor("2016-10-11" ,
correction.method = MAYP11278_ylianttila.mthd)
autoplot(one_file.spct, unit.out = "photon", range = c(300, 850))
The package includes several example scripts, with some of then containing multiple examples of how functions can be used to acquire data from spectrometers. users will most likely edit local copies of these files as the need arises. The list of files can be obtained as shown below.
scripts.path <- system.file("example-scripts", package = "ooacquire")
scripts.files <- list.files(scripts.path, full.names = FALSE)
cat(paste(scripts.files, collapse = "\n"))
#> acq-interac-using-triggers.R
#> fluence-acq-interac-acq-options.R
#> irrad-acq-interac-acq-options.R
#> irrad-acq-interac-ui-options.R
#> irrad-acq-script-FLMS.R
#> irrad-acq-script-Luke.R
#> irrad-acq-script.R
#> irrad-acq-series-tests.R
#> irrad-acq-timeseries.R
#> irrad-files.R
#> linearization_test_script.R
#> measure-detector-non-linearity.R
#> transmittance-acq-interac-flash.R
#> transmittance-acq-interac.R
#> transmittance_acq_script.R
All files (as shown), or the files of interest, can be copied to the
currently active folder (as shown), or to any folder path, once the
paths to the files are obtained as shown below passing
full.names = TRUE
in the call to list.files()
scripts.filepaths <- list.files(scripts.path, full.names = TRUE)
file.copy(from = scripts.filepaths, to = ".")
Packages ‘rOmniDriver’ and ‘ooacquire’ are both open source and released under a GPL license. Neither ‘rOmniDriver’ nor ‘ooacquire’ require the commercial software OceanView or SpectraSuite to be installed, but should be able to coexist with either of them. They do not require the purchase of any software from Ocean Optics, but the use of these packages or the free OmniDriver runtime is not supported in any way by Ocean Optics, unless you acquire a license to the OmniDriver SDP. The OmniDriver SDP is not open source and is proprietary software copyrighted by Ocean Optics and supporting only the use of hardware sold by this company (
HTML documentation for this package is available at (, including a User Guide and a description of the algorithms.
The API documentation for the OmniDriver SDP is available from Ocean Insight on-line.
News about updates are regularly posted at (
The folder structure of the Git repository is shown below. Folders
, inst-not
, data-raw
and tests-scripts-interactive
not included in the built package. Folder data-raw
also contains raw
calibration data and R scripts used to convert them into the objects
included in folder data
. Folder tests-scripts-interactive
contains R
scripts used to test data acquisition with specific spectrometers used
during development. Other folders are the usual ones for R packages:
contains C++ code sources based on R package ‘Rcpp’, folder
contains bitmaps and other files used in the HTML version of
the documentation, and folder test
files implementing unit tests for
functions and objects that do not require special hardware, i.e.,
spectrometers, for execution.
├── .github
├── data
├─┬ data-raw
│ └── <calibration data in original format and scripts>
├─┬ inst
│ ├── example-scrips
│ └── extdata
├─┬ inst-not
│ └── <example data not included in package build>
├── man
├── pkgdown
├── R
├── src
├── test-scripts-interactive
├─┬ tests
│ └── testthat
└── vignettes
Please report bugs and request new features at ( Pull requests are welcome at (
If you use ‘ooacquire’ to produce scientific or commercial publications, acknowledge this by citing the package according to:
#> To cite package 'ooacquire' in publications use:
#> Aphalo P, Ylianttila L (2024). _ooacquire: Acquire Data from OO
#> Spectrometers_. R package version 0.5.1,
#> <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Manual{,
#> title = {ooacquire: Acquire Data from OO Spectrometers},
#> author = {Pedro J. Aphalo and Lasse Ylianttila},
#> year = {2024},
#> note = {R package version 0.5.1,
#> url = {},
#> }
© 2016-2024 Pedro J. Aphalo ( for the code. Lasse Ylianttila developed the majority of the algorithms used. Released under the GPL, version 2 or greater. This software carries no warranty of any kind.