apham15 / Amazon_Fine_Food_Review

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Amazon.com, Inc. is an American multinational technology company based in Seattle, Washington, which focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. The fine food data span a period of more than 10 years, including all ~500,000 reviews up to October 2012. Reviews include product and user information, ratings, and a plaintext review. The dataset belongs to Stanford Network Analysis Project


1. What are the target of this project?

a. Business Acumen:

Any correlation between products and top users who often write reviews?

Can I extract the top product based on users’ recommendation?

What are the top words that help business to understand whether it is a good review or not?

Can I predict the positive and the negative reviews?

For building a better prediction, should I choose machine learning algorithms or deep learning model?

Another is the correlation of plaintext reviews with the sentiment analysis

b. Target:

Words in Positive Reviews download (6)

Word in Nevative Reviews download (7)

2. My solution

a. Create a Recommendation system based on Sparse Matrix for fine food

b. Sentiment Analyse

a.1. Building Popularity Recommender system

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a.2. Building Collabrating Filtering

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b. Sentiment Analysis

b.1 Machine Learning Algorithms

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b.3 Deep Learning

download download (1)

4. Conclusion