The application goes to and provides you with the next and past match of your club or team.
$ dart run bin/server.dart
Server listening on port 8080
And then from a second terminal:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/club/next_games/00ES8GN91400002IVV0AG08LVUPGND5I
You should see the logging printed in the first terminal:
2021-05-06T15:47:08.392928 0:00:00.201216 GET [200] /api/club/next_games/00ES8GN91400002IVV0AG08LVUPGND5I
dart run --observe bin/server.dart
Before you make a pull request, please run the following commands:
dart test -j 1
dart fix --dry-run
dart analyze
And check that everything is ok.
In dart the test pairs were started, that with the DB can cause certain problems, therefore we start test only with a process.
dart test -j 1