apigee-127 / a127

Apigee 127 Command Line Interface
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a127 reference

This is the installation guide and command reference for a127, the command-line interface for Apigee 127.


If you choose to install Apigee-127 using npm you will need npm version 1.3 or higher. You will also need Node.js version 0.10.24 or higher.


You can install apigee-127 either through npm or by cloning and linking the code from GitHub. This document covers the installation details for installing from npm.

Installation from npm

The apigee-127 module and its dependencies are designed for Node.js and is available through npm using the following command:

Linux / Mac from a Terminal Window:

$ sudo npm install -g apigee-127

NOTE: The npm installation requires permission to create a folder in the ~/.a127 directory. When installing apigee-127 you may need to add the flag --unsafe-perm to the install command. For example:

$sudo npm install -g apigee-127 --unsafe-perm

NOTE: sudo may be required with the -g option which places the a127 command-line commands in you PATH. If you do not use -g, then you need to add the apigee-127/bindirectory to your PATH manually.

Typically, the -g option places modules in: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/apigee-127 on *nix-based machines.

Windows, from a Command Prompt

npm install -g apigee-127

Location of files

Apigee-127 places most of its files that it depends on at a global level in ~/.a127. This includes an accounts file that has details about the configured accounts and an optional usergrid directory if you choose to download and use Usergrid through the a127 command line.


For a list of dependencies and Node.js modules that are relevant to an Apigee-127 project, see Apigee-127 modules

Command reference


Create and manage Apigee 127 projects on your local machine.

$ a127 project [options] [command]


$ a127 project create

$ a127 project start

$ a127 project deploy

To print a list of valid options for a command:

$ a127 project [command] -h


Note: When you deploy your project to Apigee Edge, Node.js modules are installed or updated automatically for you on Edge. The command does not upload any files from your local node_modules directory.


Create and manage deployment provider accounts. Deployment providers are cloud-based platforms where you can deploy your Apigee 127 project.

Note: Currently, the only option is deploying to Apigee Edge. Other providers will be added in the future.

$ a127 account [-options] [command] {account_name}


$ a127 account create myaccount

To print a list of valid options for a command:

a127 account [command] -h


    -h, --help                         output usage information
    -p, --provider [provider]          name of provider
    -b, --baseuri [baseuri]            base uri
    -o, --organization [organization]  organization
    -u, --username [username]          username
    -w, --password [password]          password
    -e, --environment [environment]    environment
    -v, --virtualhosts [virtualhosts]  virtual hosts -- by default "default,secure" is set, giving both http and https support. For http only, set this to default. For https only, set to https. 


        $ a127 account create myaccount
        [?] Provider? apigee
        [?] Do you have an account? Yes
        [?] Organization? jdoe
        [?] User Id? jdoe@apigee.com
        [?] Password? *********
        [?] Environment? test

    -h, --help  output usage information
    -l, --long  long format (includes URIs)


Manage an Apache Usergrid service on your local machine. Usergrid is an open-source BaaS solution based on RESTful APIs.

$ a127 usergrid [options] [command]


$ a127 usergrid start

$ a127 usergrid portal

$ a127 usergrid stop

To print a list of valid options for a command:

$ a127 usergrid [command] -h



Prints config information for the Apigee 127 project.

$ a127 config


Opens the Apigee-127 documentation wiki in your default browser. The wiki is hosted on GitHub with the apigee-127/a127-documentation project.