apib: API Bench
This is a tool that makes it easy to run performance tests of HTTP API servers. It
can be built on most Linux platforms, plus Mac OS X and FreeBSD.
apib has been fairly stable for a little while now. Please submit issues
or pull requests if you find that you'd like it to do more within reason!
Current Version
Running apib can be as simple as:
apib -c 100 -d 60 http://test.example.com
The command above will hammer "test.example.com" as fast as it can for up to
60 seconds using 100 concurrent network connections.
On the Mac, you can now install via Homebrew:
brew install apib
Otherwise, you can build it yourself from source.
See additional documentation for more:
apib has most of the features of Apache Bench (ab), but is also intended as
a more modern replacement. In particular, it supports:
- Proper HTTP 1.1 support including keep-alives and chunked encoding
- Ability to spawn multiple I/O threads to take advantage of multiple
CPU cores
- Support for POST and PUT of large objects
- Support for OAuth 1.0 signatures
- Ability to output results to a file so they may be automated
- Remote CPU monitoring
In addition, like "ab," it also supports:
- A simple command-line interface
- Few dependencies, so it may be easily built and deployed
- Non-blocking I/O for high concurrency
- Spawn one I/O thread per CPU (configured by user)
- Allocate a subset of connections to each, and in each:
- Start event loop
- If total number of connections < C, spawn a connection
- Execute HTTP state machine -- connecting, sending, receiving, sending
- When connections close, replace them to maintain C connections open
- Record results in a shared area
- Back in main thread, report on shared results periodically
- Time in main thread and signal workers to stop eventually
- Report to screen and to file