apocalyptech / eschalon_utils

Eschalon Books I, II, and III Character and Map Editors
GNU General Public License v2.0
8 stars 3 forks source link

Eschalon Savefile Editor Copyright (C) 2008-2017 CJ Kucera, Elliot Kendall

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Some icons in this program are Copyright Axialis Team, and released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license. See https://www.axialis.com/free/icons/ for details.

The class WrapLabel, in basegui.py is Copyright(c) 2005 VMware, Inc. See basegui.py for the exact licensing terms.

The gtk+ "ClearLooks" theme in win32support, used for the Windows bundle, is Copyright(c) the Free Software Foundation, Inc., and is licensed under the GPLv2. The version here was obtained via http://gtk-win.sourceforge.net/


This package contains applications for editing savegames in the games Eschalon Book I, Book II, and Book III by Basilisk Games.

http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon-book-i http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon-book-ii http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon-book-iii

There are six main features: a character editor and a map editor for each game. The map editor can edit maps stored as part of your savegame, and the global maps included in the game distribution, though for Books II and III there is no direct way to get at the global map files.

Right now the utilities support just about everything you'd want to edit, though there's still plenty of values in the file of whose purpose I'm unaware. See the github issues for information on what needs to be done with the app still, which is quite a bit.

The app seems stable enough for me, but use your head and keep a backup of any file that you use this on. Do let us know if it ends up eating your character or map, because we'd like to fix the bug. Just don't get upset if it does. :) The Character Editor's been around rather longer than the map editor, so be especially careful when editing maps. Note that the map files (which end in .map) also have an associated file with a .ent extension. As you make backups of the maps you're editing, be sure to back up that file as well.

This was developed on *nix and macOS. It uses Python, GTK+, and PyGTK to do its stuff. The application also runs perfectly fine on Windows (though this has not been tested recently).


If you end up creating new maps for Eschalon, please do the right thing and respect Basilisk Games' wishes in regards to custom content:

1. You cannot sell what you make; it must be free.

2. If you put your content up for download anywhere other
   than the official Basilisk Games forums, you need to have a
   link that jumps back to the Book I page at

Presumably, a link to the Book II/III page would be appropriate if you're distributing a Book II/III map.


The map editor component of this package requires that an Eschalon install directory be present on your system, to load the map graphics. The application will try to locate it on its own, but if the installation directory isn't found, you'll be prompted to provide the location. The character editor can also use the Eschalon game directory to do image lookups of its own, but it doesn't actually require the directory to be present.

Both the map editor and the character editor have a preferences screen (which write to the same config file, so the same configuration applies to both programs) where the game directory can be set, in addition to your savefile directory (which the program will also try to auto-detect). The savefile directory is basically just used as the directory the "Open" dialog will default to. The setting doesn't currently control anything else.


There's no official installation scripts for the application. On a *nix system writing a simple shell wrapper is likely easiest.

cd ~/bin
printf '#!/bin/sh\n(cd /path/to/eschalon && python3 -m eschalon.main -- "$@")' > eschalon
chmod +x eschalon

At this point it should be possible to run "eschalon" from the command prompt. Setting up shortcuts through your window manager of choice should work fine, as well.

NOTE ABOUT BOOK II/III MAP EDITING: To edit Book II or III map files, you'll need two other packages installed which may not be present on your system. The first is PyCrypto: https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/ This tends to be packaged as "python-crypto" by most distributions. Gentoo uses "pycrypto." The easiest way to install it would be via pip:

# pip install pycrypto

If those methods don't work for you, you should be able to just download it from the above link. Note once again that this only affects Book II/III map editing. The character editors, and the Book I map editor are not affected.

The minimum GTK+ required is 3.x


The recommended way to install these utilities on Windows is through the install EXE. Theoretically, you should be able to just double-click on the installer, go through the usual installer screens, and you'll have both the map editor and the charater editor in a folder in your start menu. Please be sure to let me know if there are problems with that process, as I hardly spend any time in Windows, and the Windows side is far less tested than the Linux side.

You're welcome to run the Python scripts directly (as the Linux folks do), if you want, in which case you will need a gtk+ runtime (I recommend a recent one directly from gtk.org), Python , and all three PyGTK components installed (PyCairo, PyGObject, and PyGTK). Additionally, to edit Book II/III maps, you'll want PyCrypto and czipfile. Some direct links can be found on the website.


Any method that gets you pygtk, pycrypto, and czipfile ought to work, but the following worked for me.

Install Macports - https://www.macports.org/install.php

From the Terminal, run:

sudo port install py37-pygtk atk pango gtk3 py37-lxml pip install --user pycrypto

I recommend running the apps from the Terminal so that you can see any error output:

cd /path/to/eschalon_utils /opt/local/bin/python ./eschalon_gui.py

If you want to build self-contained OS X application bundles, also get py2app:

pip install --user py2app

Then run: python3.7 setup.py py2app

The resulting apps should be portable to other Macs without having to install any libraries. When you first run these apps and identify the location of the save files and data files, they crash afterward. Just re-launch them and you shouldn't have any further problems.


The applications are mostly designed to be run via the GUI, which can be launched by double-clicking or running eschalon.py. There are commandline options for both, though, and you can get help for those options by running "eschalon.py -h", for instance, to get help with the character editor. A few of the character editor commandline options may be useful. The options available on the map editor are far less useful.

The drawing features on the map editor are fairly new still, and I expect that bugs will eventually be found. Let me know!

Some more documentation on various aspects of the Eschalon map that I've discovered, see https://apocalyptech.com/eschalon/


Ideally, report issues on the issue tracker.

Feel free to contact me at https://apocalyptech.com/contact.php if you've got questions/concerns!