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my first paper as data analyst
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my first paper as data analyst


  1. To be able to describe the present condition of tech companies in terms of their mental health resources such as benefits, care options, wellness programs and leaves.

  2. To be able to determine if tech companies taking consider the mental health of the employees percentage of employees aware of available mental health support.

  3. To be able to assess the changes or patterns in mental health status among employees working in the tech industry

  4. To be able to formulate the possible programs to maintain the healthy working condition under tech companies determine the cost estimates for implementing mental health programs that could improve their mental health status at workplace

Status of the Data

-The survey was created year 2014, that tackles about employees from tech companies around the countries

-It has 1,260 rows and 27 columns

-Minor cleaning must be done such as the gender, no. of employees and leaves to have uniform format


The following data will be used for research practice only, no data shall not discriminates the countries included in the dataset.


According to World Health Organization(2019), mental illness at workplace is very important part of organization for economic side like it will affect the productivity of the employees that is link to their profit in an organization. It is also stated by (Hennekam et al., Citation2020; Lerner & Henke, Citation2008; McGurk et al., Citation2003)that employees who may experience mental illness will decrease the productivity and cognitive which is vital part at the workplace and can give impact at environment workplace. Most adults who are active in workforce are the ones that has the tendencies to experience mental illness as what (Shann et al., Citation2014) mentioned. But most managers according to (Martin et al., Citation2015) their decision making and supports are not enough to for employees who has the tendencies to have mental illness. On the article "Its a New Era for Mental Health at Work" by Greenwood and Anas, on the 6th paragraph stated that more employees left their job because of mental health reasons such as overwhelming and unsustaianable tasks. As the statistics shows that in Millenial generations, 68% of the total population left the job voluntarily due to menatl health reasons while Gen Z's has 81% total population left voluntarily with the same reason which is mental health. If the issue with regards to mental heqalth at workplace was not solved, there could be a problem in terms of manpower that will affect their income generation. But in the same article, it was mentioned that some companies decided to invest on mental health supports at the workplace like trainings on how to adopt changes at culture during pandemic days and providing extra paid time off and mental health days. It was stated 54% of the respondents believed that mental health was prioritized at their company, "47% of respondents believed that their company leaders were advocates for mental health at work", "47% believed that their manager was equipped to support them if they had a mental health condition or symptom" Increase were observable comparing to year 2019 41% mental health was prioritized , 37% ompany leaders were advocates for mental health at work and 39% manager was equipped to support them if they had a mental health condition or symptom. The term technology sector according to investopedia "relating to the research, development, or distribution of technologically based goods and services. This sector contains businesses revolving around the manufacturing of electronics, creation of software, computers, or products and services relating to information technology". The study about use of technology by (Brumberg,2018) reflects that working with technology is quite hard as employees becomes frustrated and then actually burden them as what (Ayyagari et al., 2011) said. In temrs of productivity level (Tams et al., 2020) and (Grandhi et al., 2005) agreed that the use of technology might not help to optimize the productivity level of the employees and end up overlaod on human cognition.

It came to the point that other employees feels "technology overload" where in they feel fatigue physical and mentally due to the extensive use of technology based to (K. J. Harris et al., 2013). The American psychologist Craig Broad stated that computer technology can be a cause of stress among its users. He introduced the term ‘technostress’ to label psychological responses to negative experiences with computers. Tarafdar et al emphasize the definition of "technostress" technology environmental conditions, demands individual and require a change, psychological, physical, and behavioural outcomes for the individual’ resulting chronic stress risk factor for several diseases including mental diseases."In today's work landscape, the ubiquity of technology is undeniable. While a few drawbacks exist, it's an unstoppable force, so why not embrace it and focus on its numerous advantages?The cornerstone of a successful and productive workplace is a motivated workforce consistently delivering high-quality output. To keep both employers and employees content, seeking efficient and cost-effective solutions is imperative.

One pivotal task in fostering a seamless work environment is harnessing technology expressly designed to empower collaborative workplaces. Technology remains in a constant state of flux and will continue to seamlessly integrate into the workforce, consistently elevating productivity and overall workforce performance. This insight is sourced from Kitaboo.com, a leading digital textbook platform, authored by Snehnath Neendoor. As what Using Technology to Make Work More Human by Allison Fine and Beth Kanter publishes that, While automation can undoubtedly handle certain aspects of jobs, there are very few, if any, that should be entirely taken over by smart technology. However, what automation can profoundly transform is the overall work experience. Instead of merely speeding up tasks and reducing the need for human labor, smart technology offers a unique opportunity to reimagine job roles and streamline workflows. This, in turn, empowers individuals to concentrate on the facets of work where human capabilities truly shine. These include building relationships, making intuitive decisions, displaying empathy, and solving complex problems.

Author Expectations


https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09585192.2021.1960751 https://hbr.org/2021/10/its-a-new-era-for-mental-health-at-work https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/technology_sector.asp https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/21582440221114320 https://hbr.org/2022/03/using-technology-to-make-work-more-human https://kitaboo.com/technology-in-the-workplace/ https://journals.lww.com/co-psychiatry/Fulltext/2020/07000/Technostress_at_work_and_mental_health__concepts.16.aspx