Firmware for MKS Robin WiFi (esp8266) - organizing a klipper <-> wifi <-> mcu
The firmware source code for esp8266 (Arduino IDE) is located in the wireless_klipper_sta directory. To build the firmware in the Arduino IDE, you need to install the libraries for esp8266.
In order for the MCU firmware (MKS Robin Nano 1.2) to enable the WiFi module, it is necessary to apply the changes to the MCU Klipper source code - klipper-wifi-enable_0.1.0.patch.
The MKS Robin Wi-Fi is essentially an ESP8266 performed by ESP12F. There are quite a lot of options and examples of firmware for ESP12F on the Internet. It is flashed via USB ->RX/TX converter with 3.3V output power.
As one of the examples of ESP12F firmware, I can give the following links:
It's simple enough. Just copy the data/klipper-wifi-enable_0.1.0.patch file to the root of klipper's sources and run the command:
patch -p1 -i klipper-wifi-enable_0.1.0.patch
In general, it will look like this:
<login>@<hostname>:~/$ git clone
<login>@<hostname>:~/tmp$ git clone
<login>@<hostname>:~/tmp$ cp wireless-klipper/data/klipper-wifi-enable_0.1.0.patch ~/klipper/
<login>@<hostname>:~/tmp$ cd klipper/
<login>@<hostname>:~/klipper$ patch -p1 -i klipper-wifi-enable_0.1.0.patch
patching file klippy/chelper/serialqueue.c
patching file klippy/
patching file klippy/
patching file src/stm32/Kconfig
patching file src/stm32/Makefile
patching file src/stm32/serial.c
Next, you need to configure the firmware by enabling the Wi-Fi option. By default, this functionality is disabled.
To interact with the mcu over the network, you need to specify the connection parameters to the mcu in the klipper configuration file:
host: printer_ghost5.local
port: 8888
restart_method: command