apommel / vscode-matlab-interactive-terminal

VS Code extension allowing for an interactive Matlab terminal and launching of scripts through Matlab Engine for Python
MIT License
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Matlab Interactive Terminal for Visual Studio Code

Matlab Interactive Terminal is an extension for Visual Studio Code that allows users to launch MATLAB scripts and have a working MATLAB REPL directly included in Visual Studio Code. This extension uses the MATLAB Engine for Python which must be correctly set up for the extension to work. It works equally on Windows, macOS and Linux.


N.B.: The Python requirements may vary depending on the installed MATLAB version. More information about MATLAB-Python compatibility is available on MathWorks website.


The extension adds three commands to Visual Studio Code, that can then be tied to key-bindings. These are:

Recommended VS Code Extensions

Known Issues

See https://github.com/apommel/vscode-matlab-interactive-terminal/issues