app-zap / PHPFramework

A lightweight PHP framework as a composition of different good features and concepts of other frameworks intended for easy use and fast development
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PHPFramework fork

This framework is a fork of Luzifer's PHPFramework.
Since the fork wide parts of the system were rewritten or heavily modified. Here's a (not neccessarily complete) overview of the difference to the original PHPFramework:

The fork is not compatible to the original framework and not compatible to its own previous versions. After the next major release (2.0) we'll switch to a more backwards compatible development.


Successfully tested with


The PHPFramework is designed to work with composer.

Your project composer.json file might look like this:

  "name": "vendor/myproject",
  "require": {
    "app-zap/phpframework": "dev-develop"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Vendor\\MyProject\\": "app/Classes/"
  1. Set up your project with $ composer update
  2. create an app sub directory for your application
  3. Copy the index.php.example from the PHPFramework folder (should be vendor/app-zap/phpframework) to your root level as index.php.

Inside your app directory use this structure:

Start with the following .gitignore file:


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