appbrewery / Flash-Chat-iOS13

Starter code for the Flash Chat project in the Complete iOS Development Bootcamp
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Our Goal

One of the most fundamental component of modern iOS apps is the Table View. Table Views are used everywhere from the Mail app to the Messages app. It’s a crucial part of every iOS developer’s tool belt. In this tutorial we’ll be getting to grips with Table Views, creating custom cells, and making our own cloud-based backend database. It’s going to be epic, so buckle up.

What you will create

Flash Chat is an internet based messaging app similar to WhatsApp, the popular messaging app that was bought by Facebook for $22 billion. We will be using a service called Firebase Firestore as a backend database to store and retrieve our messages from the cloud.

What you will learn


struct K {
    static let cellIdentifier = "ReusableCell"
    static let cellNibName = "MessageCell"
    static let registerSegue = "RegisterToChat"
    static let loginSegue = "LoginToChat"

    struct BrandColors {
        static let purple = "BrandPurple"
        static let lightPurple = "BrandLightPurple"
        static let blue = "BrandBlue"
        static let lighBlue = "BrandLightBlue"

    struct FStore {
        static let collectionName = "messages"
        static let senderField = "sender"
        static let bodyField = "body"
        static let dateField = "date"

This is a companion project to The App Brewery's Complete App Developement Bootcamp, check out the full course at

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