appetrosyan / qDoList

A QtQuick/QML based todo-list manager.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
3 stars 1 forks source link
getting-things-done todolist

+TITLE: qDoList a QML based todo-list manager.

A holiday project of a physicist, trying not to forget how to write programs in C++.

The code quality leaves much to be desired, and most of what I did has a hacky feel to it. However the program is thoroughly tested, so it could be used as a daily driver.

It's a todo list manager. When it's in a finished (post-alpha) state, I expect it to be the same thing to Todoist, as KeepassX is to LastPass.

I intend to create appropriate packages, but they're not ready at this stage.

+begin_src bash

git clone


Next enter the qDoList directoty, and run

+begin_src bash

qmake && make


Which in turn should create the executable. Put it in /bin or /usr/bin, give it permissions and use to your heart's content. ** On ArchLinux The PKGBUILD is provided in the repository, so

+begin_src bash

makepkg -si


*** AUR Install using an AUR helper of your choosing (yay, aura etc.)


+begin_src bash

yay -S qdolist



+begin_src bash

pacaur -S qdolist


*** Known non-feature.

I still haven't designed an icon, and the .desktop file simply doesn't exist. I'm working on it.

** On Mac OS X.

It builds and runs on OS X. In fact, after the recent update there's no disadvantage in building on any platform. If Qt supports it, then the program runs on it.

** Android

Builds and runs, but has some functional deficiencies. I'm workin on it.

** IOS

Builds runs and no functional deficiencies. It misses an icon, and the file selection dialog is ... unsightly. There's also the lock-in issue. Currently, the only way of installing on IOS is through an apple developer account: I haven't published it on the App Store.

** Windows

Works as intended. Still looks like a smartphone app.

This program is licensed as GPLv3.

This means that you can take it. You can modify it, but you need to let me know what changes you've made, and commit them upstream.

I've created gui application in Java, C++ using many toolkits, C# and HTML.

What I've found is the following: QML compares negatively to every one of them.

** The pros:

** Cons:

At this point, there's no reason to donate, however, if you decide that you want to help, here's a few options.

For Russian residents this might be easier.


Or PayPal: either works