appirio-tech / topcoder-app-r

Topcoder pages in React and Redux
0 stars 3 forks source link


This repository houses new Topcoder pages, using React, Redux, and Webpack.


We use node 5.x and npm 3.x, so you may need to download a new version of node. The easiest way is to download nvm. We have a .nvmrc file in the root of the project, so you can just run nvm use to switch to the correct version of node.

Install dependencies by running the following in the root of the project:

NPM Commands


Pull Requests

To contribute to the repository, please create a feature branch off of the dev branch. Once you're finished working on the feature, make a pull request to merge it into dev. Please make sure that every pull request has passed the build checks, which appear just before the "Merge pull request" button in github.

Code Style

Checkout the code and comments in src/components/ExampleComponent for an example React component, .scss file, and tests.



SCSS Files

Writing Tests

Recommended Developer Tools

Syntax highlighting for ES6 and React JSX

Recommended Theme

Automatic JavaScript linting in Sublime Text

Code expander