applepi-2067 / 2023_Robot

Code for 2067's 2023 Robot
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Code for FRC 2067's 2023 Robot for the game Charged Up

Controller button map

Useful links:

Robot Subsystem Descriptions

robot subsystems


The motors that move the robot chassis around the field.

Intake (upper)

A set of rollers on a arm that can extend & retract.
Mounted at the front of the chassis, for game piece acquisition from the floor.

Intake Rollers

Intake Extend/Retract

Motors on the left and right of the intake assembly to extend and retract the intake roller assembly

We should set one up as a follower to the other so that the two motors stay synchronized

Intake Conveyor (lower)

Mounted at the front of the chassis, along the ground. Aids in bringing the game pieces into the chassis.

Intake Conveyor

Intake Conveyor Extend/Retract


Telescoping assembly. Extend to move game pieces away from chassis.


Game piece manipulator mounted on the arm


mechanism used to raise/lower arm assembly.
Brings game pieces to appropriate elevation for scoring


A rotating platorm on which the arm assembly sits.
Pivoting this platorm allows placing game pieces at scoring locations when the chassis isn't perfectly aligned.


Container for interacting with camera based sensor(s)

Getting Started

Software installation

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Similar steps to what we're doing are covered here if the below isn't clear enough.

Using vscode

Using git