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CHMI script fails #430

Closed jandernascimento closed 9 years ago

jandernascimento commented 9 years ago


Dans certain cas, le IHM génére une exception qui empêche là mis à jour le l'interface (quand un nouvelle dispositif aparait par example;

JS Exception

received MessageEvent {ports: Array[0], data: "{"varName":"activeFace","objectId":"domicube","value":"5","oldValue":""}", source: null, lastEventId: "", origin: "ws://localhost:8087"…} communicator.js:121 received MessageEvent {ports: Array[0], data: "{"removeDevice":{"objectId":"domicube"}}", source: null, lastEventId: "", origin: "ws://localhost:8087"…} communicator.js:121 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined devicebytype.js:293Backbone.View.extend.render devicebytype.js:293triggerEvents backbone.js:207Backbone.Events.trigger backbone.js:146_.extend.remove backbone.js:651Backbone.Collection.extend.removeDevice devices.js:156(anonymous function) devices.js:59triggerEvents backbone.js:205Backbone.Events.trigger backbone.js:146Communicator.handleMessage communicator.js:136

jrcourtois commented 9 years ago

Pourrais tu préciser les conditions dans lesquels ce problème apparait, et s'il apparaît toujours ?

jrcourtois commented 9 years ago

Unable to reproduce