appsgate2015 / appsgate

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Git repository of the server part for the AppsGate project.

This Git reposiroty is devided in three parts.

The first one named sources contain all the source code for the server part of the AppsGate project.

The second part named distribution is the current valid distribution for the server part. It contain an OSGi felix distribution with all working bundles. Some bundle coming from maven repositories others from industrial partners of the Appsgate projet so that impossible to provide the source code of those bundles. By downloading the distribution you can launch the server part of the AppsGate projet on any java virtual machine.

The third one is the java documentation for all components.

The master branch correspond to the current release version of the appsGate projet so it has been tested and it is considered as stable version. It merge the ApAM and IPojo AppsGate server.

If you encountered problems, please report bug to any appsgate contributor.

Code guidelines

• Package name appsGate: appsgate.lig.“fonction“.“type“.“ApAMConvention“ ex: appsgate.lig.temperature.sensor.spec.TemperatureSensorSpec appsgate.lig.temperature.sensor.messages.TemperatureNotificationMsg or appsgate.lig.mediarenderer.service.spec.MediaRendererSpec appsgate.lig.mediarenderer.service.messages.MediaRendererNotificationMsg

• Java/ApAM conventions:

Specification developer: ….Spec auto-generate: _spec

Implementation developer: …Impl

Instance developer: …Inst auto-generate: _inst

Interface developer: nothing

Message developer: …Msg

Composite developer: …Composite auto-generate: _compo

Composite instance developer: …CompositeInst

Classe developer: …Impl

• Current device type code:

0: Temperature 1: Illumination 2: Switch 3: Contact 4: Key-Card 5: Motion 6: Gygogne socket 7: Color light ?: AvTransport ?: RenderingControl 2052964255 : ConnectionManager 794225618 : ContentDirectory