appsocially / AppSocially-iOS-SDK

Optimized User Aqusition funnel for iOS
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AppSocially SDK

Optimized User Acquisition funnel for iOS + Growth Dashboard


[Requirement / Compatibility](#Requirement / Compatibility)
[Release Notes](#Release Notes)
-[0.9.0 (Sep. 10, 2014)](#Release Notes 0.9.0)



AppSocially provides app builders with an in-house "Growth" team. These tools mirror the best user-acquisition practices from companies like AirBnB, Facebook and Uber.

These companies devote huge resources to develop custom sharing experiences, custom landing pages, and custom tracking dashboards so they can test, track, and discover what works best for them. With AppSocially, you too can benefit from the bulk of their learnings. Simply install and configure the SDK and your user acquisition funnel will blow up in no time.

AppSocially can help you to:

Send 1-to-1 invites on Facebook, email, and sms

Our customizable UI Views can be installed with just one line of code

Quickly create unified contact lists for use in sending invites

We can deliver these lists as optimized UI Views in iOS or Android, or through our API, so you can build your own view.


AppSocially comes in two parts:

A client side SDK: Provides Interface and the user invites their friends.

A Server Side Backend and Dashboard: Which serves the landing pages, collects the statistics and presents you with a dashboard.

First you should create an account at and grab your API Key.


1. Download and Install AppSocially.framework

Install with CocoaPods

Add Podfile.

pod "AppSociallySDK"


$ pod install

Install by adding files to project

  1. Download from GitHub
  2. In the menubar, click on 'File' then 'Add files to "Project"...'
  3. Select the 'AppSocially.framework' and 'AppSocially.bundle' in AppSociallySDK directly from downloaded files
  4. Make sure "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" is * checked"
  5. Click "Add"

2. Setup your project

1. Create a new app on the Facebook App Dashboard.

Make sure Sandbox Mode is set to Disabled and Facebook Login is set to Enabled.

Detail : Getting Started with the Facebook SDK for iOS - 4

2. Add required frameworks

AppSociallySDK relies on the following frameworks.

3. Update Build Configurations

Set "Other Linker Flags" configiration to -ObjC -all_load of your iOS App Build Target > Build Settings tab.

3. Initialize AppSociallySDK

Initialize AppSociallySDK in UIApplicationDelegate class.

#import <AppSocially/AppSocially.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [AppSocially setAPIKey:@"YOUR_APPSOCIALLY_API_KEY"];

    [AppSocially setFacebookAppID:@"YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID"];

    // And you code here...

    return YES;


1. Private Invite

What your users can do

What you can do

Invite API

ActionSheet type

You can display invite function in Actionsheete


Import Appsocially SDK in your class

#import <AppSocially/AppSocially.h>

Call a method anywhere in your class

[ASInviter showInviteSheetInView:self.view];
Aggregated Friend Picker type

You can display aggregated friend list like below. This function is only invite function via mail and address book.


Import Appsocially SDK in your class

#import <AppSocially/AppSocially.h>

Call below methods anywhere in your class.

Present aggregated frined picker

Same as usual UIViewController subclasses.

ASFriendPickerViewController *pickerCtr = [[ASFriendPickerViewController alloc] init];
pickerCtr.delegate = self;

// customize here

[self presentViewController:pickerCtr animated:YES completion:nil];

Implement the delegate methods.

- (void)friendPickerViewController:(ASFriendPickerViewController *)controller
                  didPickedFriends:(NSArray *)friends
    self.pickedFriends = friends;

    [controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES
                                       // do something after friends being picked

To enable invitation via Twitter, you should set an ACAccount object as below:

- (void)twitterAccountDidSelect:(ACAccount *)account {

    [ASInviter setSenderAccount:account type:ASInviteTypeTwitterDM];

It's needed because of the multi-account support.

Invite friends picked from the Friend Picker

Call inviteFriends method.

[ASInviter inviteFriends:self.pickedFriends
Customize View type

You can call invite function individually anywhere in your code.


Import Appsocially SDK in your class

#import <AppSocially/AppSocially.h>

Call a method anywhere in your class

// Facebook
[ASInviter inviteVia:ASInviteTypeFacebookMessage inviteInfo:nil completion:nil];
// Mail
[ASInviter inviteVia:ASInviteTypeMail inviteInfo:nil completion:nil];
// SMS
[ASInviter inviteVia:ASInviteTypeSMS inviteInfo:nil completion:nil];

2. Share on Timeline

What your users can do

What you can do

Share API

Trackable UIActivity type

You can display invite function in UIActivity.

Import Appsocially SDK in your class

#import <AppSocially/AppSocially.h>

Call below methods anywhere in your class

Same as usual UIActivities.

ASTwitterActivity  *twitter  = [[ASTwitterActivity alloc] init];
ASFacebookActivity *facebook = [[ASFacebookActivity alloc] init];
ASMailActivity     *mail     = [[ASMailActivity alloc] init];
ASSMSActivity      *sms      = [[ASSMSActivity alloc] init];

NSArray *activities = @[twitter,

UIActivityViewController *activityCtr;
activityCtr = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:nil

ShareSample will be useful for the reference.

Aggregated share view type

You can display aggregated share form like below.


Import Appsocially SDK in your class

#import <AppSocially/AppSocially.h>

Call below methods anywhere in your class

Same as usual UIViewController subclasses.

ASShareComposeViewController *shareCtr;
shareCtr = [[ASShareComposeViewController alloc] init];
[self presentViewController:shareCtr
Customize View type

You can call invite function individually anywhere in your code.


Import Appsocially SDK in your class

#import <AppSocially/AppSocially.h>

Call a method anywhere in your class

// Facebook
[ASInviter inviteVia:ASInviteTypeFacebookMessage inviteInfo:nil completion:nil];

// Mail
[ASInviter inviteVia:ASInviteTypeMail inviteInfo:nil completion:nil];

// SMS
[ASInviter inviteVia:ASInviteTypeSMS inviteInfo:nil completion:nil];

Create Unique Landing Pages and Share with Facebook SDK Share Dialog

3. Localization

You can change the messages by editing the localization file "AppSociallySDK.strings".

4. Display customized data on landing You are able to set customized data as properties of "data" object on landing pages.

(eg) "data.video_url."

The property names are left to developers.

How to send the property values from the app

You can send the properties from the app as follows:

When using ASInvitor

Set the properties to the argument "inviteInfo" as an object of NSDictionary.


NSDictionary *inviteInfo = @{@"video_url": urlStr,
                             @"message": msgStr};
[ASInviter inviteVia:ASInviteTypeTwitterDM


NSDictionary *inviteInfo = @{@"video_url": urlStr,
                             @"message": msgStr};
[ASInviter inviteFriends:self.pickedFriends
When using ASSharer (In Progress)

Set the properties to the argument "shareInfo" as an object of NSDictionary.

// Not supported in current version.

5. Variables for Page Templates

Use template variables to customize and personalize your landing page!


Here is the list of Objects of Template Variables.


Showing the app's details :: Returns the name of the app

app.icon :: Returns URL of the app's icon image file

app.app_store_url :: Returns URL of the app's direct link on AppStore

app.website_url :: Returns URL of the app's website


Showing sender's details :: Returns sender's name

sender.profile_image_url :: Returns URL of sender's profile image

sender.account_url :: Returns URL of sender's profile page


Showing receiver's details :: Returns receiver's name

receiver.profile_image_url :: Returns URL of receiver's profile image

receiver.account_url :: Returns URL of receiver's profile page


Returns the message added by the the sender for referral.


Showing the data sent from the app by the app's user

data.{PROPERTY_NAME} :: Returns data which are sent from the app


Returns URL of the generated landing page.

Requirement / Compatibility

## Release Notes

0.9.0 (Sep. 10, 2014)



Invite API

Q: Is it possible to add a picture (from the device) to the inviation? We would really like to be able to show a visual with the invitation text in the invitee's Facebook Wall.

A: You can add pictures into the generated landing pages by passing inviteInfo as below:

NSDictionary *inviteInfo = @{kDataPropertyContentURL: [UIImage imageNamed:@"filename"]};

[ASInviter inviteVia:ASInviteTypeFacebookMessage

And add {{content_url}} into the place where you'd like to display in your page template from our dashboard.

See also: Display customized data on landing pages

Q: How can I make an ASFriend object for Twitter manually?

A: You can use initWithDetail:type: and put the NSDictionary object which is retrieved from Twitter API (e.g. friends/ids.json) for the "detail" argument.

ASFriend *friend = [[ASFriend alloc] initWithDetail:dictionaryFromTwitterAPI

Share API

Q: How can I change the default message in the SHARE composer?

A: The share related functions in ASSharer have "shareInfo" properties or arguments. You can pass a string value for a kDataPropertyMessage key, and it become the default (preset) message in the share composer.

NSDictionary *shareInfo = @{kDataPropertyMessage: @"This is preset message"};

ShareSample is useful for the reference.