apratt2003 / dataviz-project-satellites

A template project that uses Webpack and D3.
MIT License
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This project was created for a project in WPI CS573. I have always been fasinated by anything to do with space, so I created a representation of sateliites orbiting the earth. The dataset is from a real satellite database that includes all active UCS satellites in orbit. This information was originally gathered from Celestrack. The main task this visualization accomplishes is to visually show a user how many satellites there are in orbit, their purpose and amount owned by each country. The visualization has the earth and satellites colored by purpose. When a user hovers over a particular satellite, it will show the satellites name, orbit, mass, and purpose. The user also has the ability to zoom in and rotate. Currently their is a selector to choose a certain orbit. This selector is not functional yet.


A bar chart of countries and the number of major satellites can be found here: https://bl.ocks.org/apratt2003/cea8be28fc370fe56343743a38e66b3b

My first prototype can be found here: https://bl.ocks.org/apratt2003/3cfd1d127d278000dcf6b78e97c65aaa

The project began with a fork of https://github.com/curran/dataviz-project-template

A template project that uses Webpack and D3. Designed as a starting point for interactive data visualization projects that require JavaScript code to be organized across many files (as ES6 modules).

The starter code here is from Stylized Scatter Plot with Color Legend.


This project uses NPM and Webpack. To get started, clone the repository and install dependencies like this:

cd dataviz-project-template
npm install

You'll need to build the JavaScript bundle using WebPack, using this command:

npm run build

To see the page run, you'll need to serve the site using a local HTTP server.

npm install -g http-server

Now the site should be available at localhost:8080.

For automatic refreshing during development, you can start the Webpack Dev Server like this:

npm run serve


To deploy your project using GitHub pages, first enable GitHub pages in the settings tab.

Each time you want to deploy a new version of the site, run the following commands:

npm run build git add -f dist/bundle.js git commit -m 'updated bundle' git push

Be sure to also first install dependencies with

npm install