aptakhin / Bike

C++ stuff. Template serialization included.
MIT License
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Bike stuff

Different stuff. Currently consists of one library — s11n (serialization).

s11n (unstable)

C++ serialization library with Boost.Serialization-like interface with such improvements:

Other features:

Has full-featured formats:

And also lightweight for machine-independent encoding/decoding Streamed Binary.

Read how to use s11n Warning Library is not ready for production purposes, because there is no warranty of stability of serialization format and API until stable version releases.


Bike uses pugixml library (http://pugixml.org). pugixml is Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Arseny Kapoulkine.

Bike uses Google Test library (https://code.google.com/p/googletest/). Google Test is Copyright 2005, Google Inc.