aptivate / dye

Deploy Your Environment using fabfile.org
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Please be aware that DYE is not stable yet - it is a rework of our internal deployment scripts to make them easier to reuse, and the rework is a work in progress. Please have a play, test against your dev server and give us feedback. But don't download and immediately run against your production server.

DYE is a bacronym for "Deploy Your Environment" - a set of scripts and functions to deploy your web app along with the required python libraries in a virtualenv, either locally or on a remote server. It is built on fabric. It is most well developed for Django web apps, but we have used it for PHP projects aswell.

A Cookiecutter Project

You can create a compatible project using cookiecutter.

See readme-cookiecutter.rst for details on how to do this.

Expected Project Structure

A bare bones project structure would be:

/apache                    <- contains config files for apache, for different servers
/deploy                    <- contains settings and scripts for deployment
    localfab.py            <- optional
    localtasks.py          <- optional
    pip_packages.txt       <- list of python packages to install
    /website               <- top level for Django project
        manage.py          <- a modified version of manage.py - see examples/
        .ve/               <- contains the virtualenv
        local_settings.py  <- a link to the real local_settings.py.env
        manage.py          <- our modified version
        private_settings.py   <- generated by these scripts
        settings.py        <- this will import local_settings.py
/wsgi                      <- holds WSGI handler

A certain amount of the directory structure can be overridden in project_settings.py but that is not well tested currently.


tasks.py is designed to make it easy to get your development environment up and running easily. Once the project is set up, getting going should only require:

cd deploy
./tasks.py deploy:dev
cd ../django/django_project
./manage.py runserver

bootstrap.py will create the virtualenv and install the python packages required

tasks.py deploy:dev will:

Your Django application will then be good to go.

tasks.py includes a number of other tasks that should make your life easier. It also makes it easy to add your own tasks and integrate them into the deploy task by using:


This is a file where you can define your own functions to do stuff that you need for your project. You can also override functions from tasklib.py simply by defining a function with the same name as the function in tasklib.py

You can override the main deploy() function, but you might lose out if the deploy function starts to do more. Generally a better strategy is to define a post_deploy() function - when you run ./tasks.py deploy then after the other tasks have completed it will check if there is a function called post_deploy() in localtasks.py and if so it will call it.

manage.py and bootstrap.py

We use a modified version of manage.py that knows about the virtualenv in the .ve/ directory. So when you run manage.py it will automatically relaunch itself inside the virtualenv, so you don't have to worry about activating/deactivating.

It also knows about the list of packages in pip_packages.txt - if that is updated without the virtualenv being updated (or if the virtualenv doesn't exist) then manage.py will complain. You can then create/update the virtualenv with:


Note that this will only update the virtualenv if it's required, though you can use --force to do it anyway. Also note that by default it will only update the packages that need updating - use --full-rebuild to force it to delete the virtual env and then rebuild. To see all options use --help.

Fabric and DYE

We have developed a set of fabric functions for our standard project layout. In order to avoid violating the DRY principle, we delegate the work to tasks.py where possible. Our standard fab deploy will:

As with tasks.py you can add extra functions and override the default behaviour by putting functions in:


Server Directory Structure

Dye will create /var/django/project_name and in that directory will be:

dev/           <- contains the checked out code
previous/      <- copies for rollback, with directories named by timestamp

During a deploy there will also be:

next/         <- only temporary

You can override the project root with the server_home variable in project_settings.py