aptos-labs / aptos-python-sdk

Aptos Python SDK
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Aptos Python SDK

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This provides basic functionalities to interact with Aptos. Get started here.

Currently, this is still in development and may not be suitable for production purposes.

Note: The sync client is deprecated, please only start new projects using the async client. Feature contributions to the sync client will be rejected.


This SDK uses Poetry for packaging and dependency management:

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
poetry install

Unit testing

make test

E2E testing and Using the Aptos CLI

You can do this a bit more manually by:

First, run a local testnet (run this from the root of aptos-core):

aptos node run-local-testnet --force-restart --assume-yes --with-indexer-api

Next, tell the end-to-end tests to talk to this locally running testnet:

export APTOS_CORE_REPO="/path/to/repo"
export APTOS_NODE_URL=""

Finally run the tests:

make examples

Integration Testing Using the Aptos CLI:

make integration_test

[!NOTE] The Python SDK does not require the Indexer, if you would prefer to test without it, unset or do not set the environmental variable APTOS_INDEXER_URL and exclude --with-indexer-api from running the aptos node software.


make fmt


make lint

Package Publishing

Semantic versioning

This project follows semver as closely as possible