apu52 / Travel_Website

🚀 Welcome🌈 , This repo is officially accepted for GSSOC'2k24🌟 & VsOC'24🌟This repo contains my project on Travel Website ✈️ using HTML,CSS . It contains the landing page of a travel tour company website. If you have any front end project on this or you can add new features in the project or in this repos.
MIT License
186 stars 407 forks source link
beginner-friendly css desktop front-end-development github gssoc gssoc24 html js jwoc jwoc-2024 jwoc2k24 open-source reactjs vsoc vsocde

✨Travel Website✨


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Hi there👋, Enjoy the World of Open source contribution

Hello Coders!!👨‍💻
I am Arpan Chowdhury, an aspiring Web developer🤖. Here is the project on front-end Web Development.

Table of Contents🧾

- [Overview📌](#overview) - [Features](#features) - [Technology Used🚀](#technology-used) - [Open-Source-Programmes⭐](#open-source-programmes) - [Getting Started💥](#getting-started) - [Contributing Guidelines📑](#contributing-guidelines) - [Code Of Conduct📑](#code-of-conduct) - [Project Admin⚡](#project-admin) - [Contributing is fun🧡](#contributing-is-fun)


This repository contains my project on a Travel Website✈️ using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It features a landing page for a travel tour company website. Finding the perfect travel destination can be a challenge. This project aims to streamline that process🚤. We welcome all contributions to make this a fantastic resource for travelers. Jump in and contribute to this grand project! Read the guidelines📚 and get started building!

Live Project -- https://apu52.github.io/Travel_Website/


- **Introductory Page**: Welcomes visitors with an engaging introductory page that highlights the essence of our travel website and sets the tone for exploration. - **Top Destination Page**: Showcases top travel destinations with captivating imagery, detailed descriptions, and essential information to inspire and inform visitors. - **Best Trip Packages**: Presents the best trip packages tailored to different interests and budgets, complete with itinerary details, pricing, and booking options for seamless travel planning. - **Our Trip Gallery**: Curates a visually stunning gallery showcasing memorable moments and experiences from our trips, enticing visitors to embark on their own adventures. Includes interactive features such as user comments. - **Contact Us Page**: Provides a user-friendly contact page with essential contact information inquiry forms, and interactive maps for visitors to reach out and engage with our travel company effortlessly.

Technology Used🚀


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### This project is now OFFICIALLY accepted for ![GSSOC](https://github.com/apu52/METAVERSE/assets/114172928/e79eb6de-81b1-4ffb-b6ed-f018bb977e88)
### This project was part of following Open Source Programs

Getting Started💥

Local Installation video

[video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LsBudIUtZLDMSlmBDdOfT001QRqGBSbN/view?usp=sharing) ## How to make a Pull Request? **1.** Start by forking the [**Travel_Website**](https://github.com/apu52/Travel_Website) repository. Click on the symbol at the top right corner. **2.** Clone your forked repository: ```bash git clone https://github.com//Travel_Website ``` **3.** Navigate to the new project directory: ```bash cd Travel_Website ``` **4.** Set upstream command: ```bash git remote add upstream https://github.com/apu52/Travel_Website ``` **5.** Create a new branch: ```bash git checkout -b YourBranchName ``` or ```bash git branch YourBranchName git switch YourBranchName ``` **6.** Sync your fork or local repository with the origin repository: - In your forked repository click on `Fetch upstream`. - Click `Fetch and merge`. ### Alternatively, Git CLI way to Sync forked repository with origin repository: ```bash git fetch upstream ``` ```bash git merge upstream/main ``` ### [Github Docs](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests/addressing-merge-conflicts/resolving-a-merge-conflict-on-github) for Syncing **7.** Make your changes to the source code. **8.** Stage your changes and commit: ⚠️ **Make sure** not to commit `package.json` or `package-lock.json` file ⚠️ **Make sure** not to run the commands `git add .` or `git add *`. Instead, stage your changes for each file/folder ```bash git add file/folder ``` ```bash git commit -m "" ``` **9.** Push your local commits to the remote repository: ```bash git push origin YourBranchName ``` **10.** Create a [Pull Request](https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request)! **Congratulations! You've made your first contribution! 🙌🏼**

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Contributing Guidelines📑

To learn about our development process, how to propose bug fixes and improvements of our project please read our [Contributing Guidelines.](https://github.com/apu52/Travel_Website/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md)

Code Of Conduct📑

This project and everyone participating in it are governed by the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/apu52/Travel_Website/blob/main/Code_of_conduct.md). By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.

Show some ❤️  by giving to this repository.

## Project Mentor

Krishnendu Dasgupta

Ghanshyam Prajapati

# Project Admin⚡

Arpan Chowdhury

## Contributing is fun🧡

Thank you to all the amazing contributors who have made this project possible!!💝 ## License

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