aquasecurity / aqua-helm

Helm Charts For Installing Aqua Security Components
Apache License 2.0
87 stars 184 forks source link
aqua-agent aqua-server enforcer helm-charts kubernetes scanner security-tools


This page contains instructions for deploying Aqua Enterprise in a Kubernetes cluster, using the Helm package manager.

Refer to the Aqua Enterprise product documentation for the broader context: Kubernetes with Helm Charts.


Helm charts

This repository includes the following charts; they can be deployed separately:

Chart Description Latest Chart Version
Server Deploys the Console, Database, and Gateway components; optionally deploys Envoy component 2022.4.24
Enforcer Deploys the Aqua Enforcer daemonset 2022.4.21
Scanner Deploys the Aqua Scanner deployment 2022.4.7
KubeEnforcer Deploys Aqua KubeEnforcer 2022.4.46
Gateway Deploys the Aqua Standalone Gateway 2022.4.14
Tenant-Manager Deploys the Aqua Tenant Manager 2022.4.0
Cyber Center Deploys Aqua CyberCenter offline for air-gap environment 2022.4.5
Cloud Connector Deploys the Aqua Cloud Connector 2022.4.5
QuickStart Not for production use (see below). Deploys the Console, Database, Gateway and KubeEnforcer components 2022.4.1
Codesec-Agent Argon Broker Deployment 1.2.7

Deployment instructions

Aqua Enterprise deployments include the following components:

Follow the steps in this section for production-grade deployments. You can either clone the aqua-helm git repo or you can add our Helm private repository (

(Optional) Add the Aqua Helm repository

  1. Add the Aqua Helm repository to your local Helm repos by executing the following command:

    helm repo add aqua-helm
    helm repo update
  2. Search for all components of the latest version in our Aqua Helm repository

For Helm 2.x
helm search aqua-helm
# Examples
helm search aqua-helm --versions
helm search aqua-helm --version 2022.4
For Helm 3.x
helm search repo aqua-helm
# Examples
helm search repo aqua-helm --versions
helm search repo aqua-helm --version 2022.4

Example output:

NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
aqua-helm/codesec-agent         1.2.7           2022.4          A Helm chart for the Argon Broker Deployment
aqua-helm/cloud-connector       2022.4.4        2022.4          A Helm chart for Aqua Cloud-Connector
aqua-helm/cyber-center          2022.4.5        2022.4          A Helm chart for Aqua CyberCenter
aqua-helm/enforcer              2022.4.21       2022.4          A Helm chart for the Aqua Enforcer
aqua-helm/kube-enforcer         2022.4.46       2022.4          A Helm chart for the Aqua KubeEnforcer Starboard
aqua-helm/gateway               2022.4.14       2022.4          A Helm chart for the Aqua Gateway
aqua-helm/scanner               2022.4.7        2022.4          A Helm chart for the Aqua Scanner CLI component
aqua-helm/server                2022.4.24       2022.4          A Helm chart for the Aqua Console components
aqua-helm/tenant-manager        2022.4.1        2022.4          A Helm chart for the Aqua Tenant Manager

Deploy the Helm charts

  1. Add Aqua Helm Repository

    helm repo add aqua-helm
    helm repo update

    Check for available chart versions either from Changelog or by running the below command.

    helm search repo aqua-helm/enforcer --versions

    Create the aqua namespace.

    kubectl create namespace aqua

    Create aqua-registry secret

    kubectl create secret docker-registry aqua-registry-secret \ \
    --docker-username=$YOUR_REGISTRY_USER \
    --docker-password=$YOUR_REGISTRY_PASSWORD \
    -n aqua
  2. Deploy the Server chart.
    helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua aqua aqua-helm/server --version $VERSION \
    --set imageCredentials.create=false \
    --set global.platform=$PLATFORM
  3. Deploy the Enforcer chart.
    helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua aqua-enforcer aqua-helm/enforcer --version $VERSION \
    --set imageCredentials.create=false \
    --set global.platform=$PLATFORM
  4. Deploy the KubeEnforcer chart.
    helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua kube-enforcer aqua-helm/kube-enforcer --version $VERSION \
    --set global.platform=$PLATFORM \
    --set certsSecret.autoGenerate=true
  5. (Optional) Deploy the Scanner chart.
    helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua scanner aqua-helm/scanner --version $VERSION \
    --set user=$AQUA_CONSOLE_USERNAME \
    --set password=$AQUA_CONSOLE_PASSWORD
  6. Gateway is Deployed by default with Server chart, advanced Gateway Deployment options can be found Here.
  7. (Optional) Deploy the TenantManager chart.
    helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua tenant-manager aqua-helm/tenant-manager --version $VERSION \
    --set platform=$PLATFORM
  8. (Optional) Deploy the Cyber-Center chart.
    helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua aqua-cyber-center aqua-helm/cyber-center --version $VERSION \
    --set imageCredentials.create=false
  9. (Optional) Deploy the Cloud-Connector chart.
    helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua aqua-cloud-connector aqua-helm/cloud-connector --version $VERSION \
    --set userCreds.username=$AQUA_CONSOLE_USERNAME \
    --set userCreds.password=$AQUA_CONSOLE_PASSWORD \
    --set authType.tokenAuth=false \
    --set authType.userCreds=true
  10. Access the Aqua UI in browser with {{ .Release.Name }}-console-svc service and port, to check the service details:
      kubectl get svc -n aqua
    • Example:
      • http://< Console IP/DNS >:8080* (default access without SSL) or
      • https://< Console IP/DNS >:443* (If SSL configured to console component in server chart)


This section not all-inclusive. It describes some common issues that we have encountered during deployments.

Error 1

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot list configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"

Error 2

Error 3

kubectl apply -f pv-example.yaml

Quick-start deployment (not for production purposes)

Quick-start deployments are fast and easy. They are intended for deploying Aqua Enterprise for non-production purposes, such as proofs-of-concept (POCs) and environments intended for instruction, development, and test.

Use the aqua-quickstart chart to

  1. Clone the GitHub repository

    git clone
    cd aqua-helm/
  2. Create the aqua namespace.

    kubectl create namespace aqua
  3. Deploy aqua-quickstart chart

    helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua aqua ./aqua-quickstart --set imageCredentials.username=<>,imageCredentials.password=<>

Issues and feedback

If you encounter any problems or would like to give us feedback on deployments, we encourage you to raise issues here on GitHub.