ar51an / unbound-dashboard

Unbound Dashboard In Grafana With Prometheus & Loki
Apache License 2.0
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dashboard go golang grafana grafana-dashboard grafana-loki logs loki metrics prometheus prometheus-exporter prometheus-metrics unbound unbound-dashboard unbound-exporter

unbound dashboard

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### Summary 🔸 Unbound dashboard in `Grafana` 🔸 `Prometheus` time series database 🔸 Unbound metrics exporter in `Go` 🔸 Log aggregation with `Loki` 🔸 Unbound `setup` is available at [unbound-redis]( 🔸 Refer to `` for dashboard details and `` for changes #### Specs: > |Grafana |Prometheus|Loki |Go |OS |HW | > |:-------|:---------|:------|:-------|:----------------------------|:-----------------------| > |`11.1.0`|`2.42.0` |`3.1.0`|`1.21.5`|`raspios-bookworm-arm64-lite`|`Raspberry Pi 4 Model B`| # ### Steps   🔸 Grafana ➜ Prometheus ➜ Unbound Exporter ➜ Loki ➜ Import Dashboard #### ❯ Grafana * **Download:** There are 2 versions **OSS** and **Enterprise**. OSS version is more than enough. Enterprise version installs too many extra packages (like unattended-upgrades and more). Below cmd downloads _Grafana OSS_ for arm64. > `wget` * **Install:** > `sudo apt install musl` > `ℹ️` **Note:** > `musl` package is required since _Grafana 10.2.3_ > `sudo dpkg -i grafana_11.1.0_arm64.deb` > `ℹ️` **Note:** > A tweaked `grafana.ini` is available in the release. It reduces memory footprint, removes usage collection, stops calls to grafana server/repo and has few more optimizations. You can use _grafana.ini_ **either** from the release **or** the default one. Default config is located at `/etc/grafana/grafana.ini` * **Start:** > `sudo systemctl daemon-reload` > `sudo systemctl enable grafana-server` > `sudo systemctl start grafana-server` * **UI:** > `http://:3000/` > Default user/pass ➟ admin/admin # #### ❯ Prometheus * **Install:** > `sudo apt install prometheus` * **Config:** Enable _unbound-exporter_ scraping in prometheus. A trimmed down prometheus config, `prometheus.yml` is available in the release. Take a backup of existing _prometheus.yml_, if you are interested in the default config. Copy `prometheus.yml` from the release to `/etc/prometheus/` dir. > `ℹ️` **Note:** > Provided `prometheus.yml` has only _unbound-exporter_ metric collection enabled. Default metric collection for _node_ and _prometheus_ exporters are removed. Scraping interval is set to _5m_. * **Remove Node Exporter:** Node exporter exports machine metrics. It is installed as part of prometheus pkg and runs as systemd service. It is not needed for _unbound-dashboard_. Unless you are already using it, remove node exporter. Below cmd will remove 8 node-exporter related pkgs. > **Remove:** > `sudo apt --purge autoremove prometheus-node-exporter` > **Disable scrape config:** > Provided `prometheus.yml` has _node_ exporter scrapping config removed. * **UI:** > `http://:9090/` # #### ❯ Unbound Exporter * I wrote my own exporter in `Go`. It is more efficient and tailored for this dashboard. A prebuilt binary (for arm64) is available in the release. Source code is available at [unbound-exporter]( * **Config:** Modify Unbound config. Edit `/etc/unbound/unbound.conf` * Enable extended stats. Add option under **`server:`** tag > `extended-statistics: yes` * Enable Unix domain socket for collecting stats. It is faster than default TCP. Add below options under **`remote-control:`** tag > `control-interface: "/var/run/unbound.sock"` > `control-use-cert: no` * **Install:** Copy `unbound-exporter` binary from the release to `/usr/local/bin/` dir. Make sure it is under ownership of root and executable. > **Change ownership [If needed]:** > `sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/unbound-exporter` > **Make it executable [If needed]:** > `sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/unbound-exporter` * **Service:** Create service to automatically run _unbound-exporter_ at startup. Copy `prometheus-unbound-exporter.service` from the release to `/etc/systemd/system/` dir. Make sure it is under the ownership of root. Enable and start the service. > **Change ownership [If needed]:** > `sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/prometheus-unbound-exporter.service` > **Enable:** > `sudo systemctl enable prometheus-unbound-exporter` > **Start:** > `sudo systemctl start prometheus-unbound-exporter` > **Status:** > `sudo systemctl status prometheus-unbound-exporter` > `ℹ️` **Note:** > Provided `prometheus-unbound-exporter.service` passes 2 paramaters. Blocklist file path and Unbound unix domain socket URI. Change them accordingly if you are using different path and name. * **Usage:** > `unbound-exporter -h` > > ![Usage]( # #### ❯ Loki * **Download:** Download `Loki` and `Promtail` > `curl -O -L ""` > `curl -O -L ""` * **Install:** > `sudo dpkg -i loki_3.1.0_arm64.deb` > `sudo dpkg -i promtail_3.1.0_arm64.deb` * **Logging:** Enable Unbound logging. * Edit `/etc/unbound/unbound.conf`. Add/Modify below options under **`server:`** tag > `log-replies: yes` > `log-tag-queryreply: yes` > `log-local-actions: yes` > `logfile: /var/log/unbound/unbound.log` > `ℹ️` **Note:** > Make sure `verbosity:` is set to 0. * Create log dir > `sudo mkdir /var/log/unbound` > `sudo chown unbound:unbound /var/log/unbound` * Enable log rotation > Copy file `unbound` from the release under _logrotate_ dir to `/etc/logrotate.d/` dir. Make sure it is under the ownership of root. * **Config:** Replace `/etc/loki/config.yml` and `/etc/promtail/config.yml` with the `config.yml` files in the release under _loki_ and _promtail_ dirs respectively. Both should be under the ownership of root. > `ℹ️` **Note:** > Provided _loki_ `config.yml` is optimized to process large data set and metrics calculation for Unbound logs. It is tweaked after some thorough testing in Unbound logs specific dashboard with 6 panels. Default _loki_ config can hardly handle 2 panels with small data set, it throws errors and timeouts with large data set and multiple requests. > Provided _promtail_ `config.yml` enables Unbound logs scrapping. * **Restart:** > `sudo systemctl restart loki` > `sudo systemctl restart promtail` # #### ❯ Import Dashboard * Open Grafana UI ➟ `http://:3000/` * Click `Data Sources` under `Configuration`. Click `Add data source` select **`Prometheus`**. Add below options: > _Name_ ➟ `Prometheus` > _Default_ ➟ `On` > Add _URL_ ➟ `http://localhost:9090` > Add _Scrape interval_ ➟ `5m` > Hit ➟ `Save & test` * Click `Data Sources` under `Configuration`. Click `Add data source` select **`Loki`**. Add below options: > _Name_ ➟ `Loki` > Add _URL_ ➟ `http://localhost:3100` > Add _Maximum lines_ ➟ `100000` > Hit ➟ `Save & test` * Dashboard, `unbound-dashboard.json` is available in the release. Click `Import` under `Dashboards`. Click `Upload JSON file`. Select `unbound-dashboard.json`. Add below options: > _Folder_ ➟ `Dashboards` > Select _Prometheus_ ➟ `Data Source` > Select _Loki_ ➟ `Data Source` > Hit ➟ `Import` # #### ❯ `ℹ️` Tips & Notes * **Grafana:** How to ➟ Change grafana `landing page` to unbound dashboard **&** Switch between `Dark` (default) and `Light` theme. > Open Grafana UI ➟ `http://:3000/` > Click `Profile` under top right icon > Under `Preferences` select `General/Unbound` in `Home Dashboard` drop down > Change theme in `Interface theme` drop down > Hit `Save` There is an additional panel in the dashboard at the top right, not visible in the preview. It shows _unbound-exporter_ status and may be beneficial. If you are not interested in that simply remove it. Screenshot below: > ![Metrics]( * **Prometheus:** How to ➟ `Remove` time series (metrics) collected by prometheus instantly for fresh start **&** Reduce prometheus journal `logging`. > Enable admin API: > `sudo nano /etc/default/prometheus` > Add at the top: > `ARGS="--web.enable-admin-api --log.level=warn"` > Save & Exit > To delete all metrics of specific exporter add `job_name` as last argument in delete cmd: > Delete: > `curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={job="node"}'` > Purge: > `curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/clean_tombstones'` > Restart: > `sudo systemctl restart prometheus`