arabs-in-neuro / intro_to_comp_neuro

Course content for Introduction to Computational Neuroscience Course
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Introduction to Computational Neuroscience

Objectives: Introduce tools that are essential for starting work in computational neuroscience. It includes pre-requisite knowledge such as programming with Python, linear algebra, calculus, statistics, and basic neuroscience.

Course materials

[Welcome Video]()

Topic Tutorial Video Slides
Python (W1D1&2) drawing drawing
Basics of Neurosciences 1 (W1D3) drawing drawing
Basics of Neurosciences 2 (W1D4) drawing drawing
Neural Data (W1D5) drawing drawing
Linear Algebra Tutorial 1 (W2D1) Open In Colab drawing drawing
Linear Algebra Tutorial 2 (W2D2) Open In Colab drawing drawing
Linear Algebra Tutorial 3 (W2D3) Open In Colab drawing drawing
Calculus Tutorial 1 (W2D4) Open In Colab drawing drawing
Calculus Tutorial 2 (W2D5) Open In Colab drawing drawing
Calculus Tutorial 3 (W2D5) Open In Colab
Statistics Tutorial 1 (W3D1) Open In Colab drawing drawing
Statistics Tutorial 2 (W3D2) Open In Colab drawing drawing

Useful resources


Course outline

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Daily schedule

0:00 time here corresponds to the starting time of the day. This time is depending on your location is as follows:

Python Days

They are whole workshop days. The day in total is composed of 5 hours of tutorials including a 1 hour break in the middle. First day includes a welcome video to be watched offline before joining.

Time (Hour) Lecture
0:00-2:00 Tutorials
2:00-3:00 Break
3:00-5:00 Tutorials

Neuroscience Days

Neuroscience days are composed of lectures that are recorded to be watched offline and a live Q&A session with the instructors.

Time (Hour) Lecture
1:00-2:00 Live Q&A

Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics Days

These days will include a lecture to be watched offline before as well as tutorials to be conducted live. The last day contains also a live outro conclusion of the course.

Time (Hour) Lecture
0:00-2:00 Tutorials
2:00-3:00 Break
3:00-5:00 Tutorials