aradi / SCPC-Method

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Self-Consistent Potential Correction Method

Supercell models are often used to calculate the electronic structure of local perturbations from the ideal periodicity in the bulk or on the surface of a crystal or in wires. When the defect or adsorbent is charged, a jellium counter charge is applied to maintain overall neutrality, but the interaction of the artificially repeated charges has to be corrected, both in the total energy and in the one-electron eigenvalues and eigenstates. This becomes paramount in slab or wire calculations, where the jellium counter charge may induce spurious states in the vacuum. We present here a self-consistent potential correction scheme and provide successful tests of it for bulk and slab calculations.

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Getting the SCPC method

Last version: rev7 (2021-07-19)



It is already implemented in the official version of VASP-6.2.0.

Note: The version implemented in VASP is an older version of SCPCP probably contains a bug. A patch for the current SPCP is available on request.

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