arafaysaleem / library_management_system

A library management app made with Flutter framework
MIT License
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Libreasy - A library management app

Libreasy is an app made with Flutter framework and Oracle backend along with ORDS for API.

It provides book borrowing and library information services to members. It is also used to assist the librarian in maintaining the book catalogue and in book-keeping of fines.

The backend and frontend code is attached and structured in their respective folders. Further instructions are also found inside those folders.


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Feel free to fork and contribute to include new features. ❤︎

🚀 Technologies

🤝 Contribute

To contribute, fork the repository and push the changes to the master branch. Then submit a pull request for merging with the source. If your code passes the review and checks it will be merged into the master branch.

💬 Feedback

Feel free to send us feedback on Twitter or file an issue. Feature requests are always welcome.

📝 License

Licensed under the MIT License.