aragon / aragon-wiki

The Aragon wiki
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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aragon aragon-wiki community community-driven ethereum governance wiki

This wiki for the Aragon project contains much of the content and resources available publicly

If you feel like contributing to the wiki, like changing or adding things, feel free to check out the open Issues and submit a Pull Request.

Current versions used:

MKDocs version 1.0.4

Material for MkDocs version 4.3.1

To upgrade from previous versions:

pip install --upgrade mkdocs

pip install --upgrade mkdocs-material

How do I run a local version of the wiki for editing?

Guide for submitting a new Pull Request

Follow these steps:

To deploy changes in the wiki to web in the case where TravisCI fails to do so:

Follow the instructions for running a local version and then in the aragon-wiki directory, run mkdocs gh-deploy