aragonone / notification-service

A node.js service to manage ethereum blockchain subscriptions and send email alerts on specific events
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Aragon Notification Service

A node.js service to manage ethereum blockchain subscriptions and alert on specific events.


The service exposes a REST API for:

The service has two async jobs:


Authentication / Authorisation

The system has no concept of passwords.

Authentication is done by calling the login endpoint which:

  1. Issues a short lived token
  2. Sends an email with the magic link (a link containing the JWT signed token)
  3. Once the magiclink token is send to the /verify endpoint a long lived auth token allows interaction with the full API

Hence, two auth scopes are defined:

Tokens are stateful, i.e. they're validated on every request. So even though we use JWT tokens, they can be invalidated from the DB.



Quick Start

Start Postgres and create a DB and user

$ docker run -d -p 5433:5432 --name postgres postgres
$ docker exec -i -t postgres createuser -h localhost -U postgres --superuser notification-service
$ docker exec -i -t postgres createdb -h localhost -U postgres --owner notification-service notification-service

Env vars

Secrets are stored in .env file. For a list of required environment variables check .env.example

$ cp .env.example .env
# update .env with secrets


Build image

docker build -t notification-service .

Run container

This will run the container and mount the .env runtime config at runtime docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -v $(pwd)/.env:/app/.env notification-service

DB relational model diagram

To update use and open the db.drawio file in the repository.


For CI/CD we are using GitHub Actions.

Production build is configured to trigger when creating v* tags in the master branch. Executing the following:

git tag v0.1.0
git push --tags

Will deploy the following container: