aragonzkresearch / anon-voting-demo

Onchain Anonymous Voting demo app
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Onchain Anonymous Voting demo.

TL;DR: users vote onchain by sending a zk-proof where they prove that they belong to the census without revealing who they are in it.

This project builds on top of OAV circuits, which follows a similar design done in vocdoni/zk-franchise-proof and Semaphore. The census in this project is compatible with OVOTE census, and a similar circuit design but implemented in arkworks can be found at ark-anon-vote.




Users send their vote + zk-proof to the smart contract, proving that they belong to the census (without revealing who they are) and that their vote has not been already casted.

The census is build from the public keys of the DAO members.

Each user computes a zk-proof which will be verified onchain. Proof proves:

Circuit (grey background indicates public inputs):

User flow

    participant user
    participant census_builder
    participant Eth
    participant IPFS

    par Census creation phase
        user->>user: gen key
        user->>census_builder: pubKey
        census_builder->>census_builder: build census
        census_builder->>IPFS: publish census
    and Process creation phase
        census_builder->>Eth: new process
        user->>Eth: get process
        Eth-->>user: process.census-ipfs-hash
    and Voting phase
        user->>IPFS: get census by ipfs-hash
        IPFS-->>user: census
        user->>user: generate zk-census-proof
        user->>Eth: vote + zk-census-proof
        Eth->>Eth: verify zk-census-proof & process vote