The purpose is to provide C++ event managing tools.
Testing Libraries (optional):
git clone --recurse-submodules
There is a cmake script at the root of the project which builds the library in Release mode and install it (default options are used).
cd /path/to/arba-evnt
cmake -P cmake/scripts/quick_install.cmake
Use the following to quickly install a different mode.
cmake -P cmake/scripts/quick_install.cmake -- TESTS BUILD Debug DIR /tmp/local
There is a uninstall cmake script created during installation. You can use it to uninstall properly this library.
cd /path/to/installed-arba-evnt/
cmake -P uninstall.cmake
#include <arba/evnt/evnt.hpp>
#include <iostream>
class int_event
int value;
int main()
evnt::event_manager event_manager;
event_manager.connect<int_event>([](int_event& event)
std::cout << "I received an int_event: " << event.value << std::endl;
event_manager.emit(int_event{ 42 });
See basic_cmake_project in example, and more specifically the CMakeLists.txt to see how to use arba-evnt in your CMake projects.
MIT License © arba-evnt