araskavakli / lovelocal

An online marketplace for local shops aiming to support businesses affected by the pandemic.
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Table of Contents

About The Project

Love Local

Like everywhere else in the world, many local businesses in Porto are experiencing financial difficulties during COVID-19 pandemic. Most of these stores either do not have a website, or do not offer online purchase option to their customers.

Love Local is an online marketplace for local stores aiming to support businesses in Porto which are affected by the pandemic. The web app lists stores near the user coordinates and show them on the map. User can increase or decrease the search radius and load more stores. User can also view the customized pages of the shops and access information such as contact details, payment options and reviews (ongoing project).

The deployed project can be seen here:

Built With

Getting Started

To run the project locally node.js and Angular must be installed.



  1. Get a free API Key at Google Maps API
  2. Clone the repo
    git clone
  3. Change to your local ~/lovelocal/frontend directory and install NPM packages.
    npm install
  4. Enter your API in src/index.html at line 31 by replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API Key.
    <script src=""></script>
  5. Serve the project.
    ng serve


For now, the DB includes only the stores in Porto, Portugal. Therefore the Google Places API's autocomplete feature in address search bar only returns the address in and around Porto.


Users can set the search radius to load more stores.


Users can set visit customized store pages to get more information.



For easier geoquerying and faster DB connection the app has been migrated to Google Firebase. Previously the backend was built with Java. Backend dir contains the legacy backend.
