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Code Repository for Research Article Titled - "Omnidirectional Video Super-Resolution using Deep Learning"
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Spherical Signal Super-resolution with Proportioned Optimisation (S3PO)

Code Repository for S3PO video super-resolution model for panaromic videos accepted to be published in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia entitled "Omnidirectional Video Super-resolution using Deep Learning".

Please refer to the paper for details -

To use this work or dataset please cite our paper:

@ARTICLE{10102571, author={Baniya, Arbind Agrahari and Lee, Tsz-Kwan and Eklund, Peter W. and Aryal, Sunil}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia}, title={Omnidirectional Video Super-Resolution using Deep Learning}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-15}, doi={10.1109/TMM.2023.3267294}}

@article{Agrahari Baniya2023, author = "Arbind Agrahari Baniya and Glory Lee and Peter Eklund and Sunil Aryal", title = "{Omnidirectional Video Super-Resolution using Deep Learning}", year = "2023", month = "4", url = "", doi = "10.36227/techrxiv.20494851.v2" }