arbowl / cyberdeck-battery-indicator

A GUI battery indicator for raspberry pi and x728 UPS
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Cyberdeck Battery Indicator

A GUI battery indicator for Raspberry Pi and x728 UPS


I build a RasPi 4 cyberdeck and used the x728 UPS for the battery supply. It worked great, but I wanted a way to monitor the battery without having to open the provided script (which to their credit is hugely useful as-is and is needed to figure out how to poll the UPS).

I made this for personal use in my free time, so please be patient if there are any bugs. Feel free to reach out with any improvements, questions, or suggestions:

This launches at startup and displays a battery icon on the taskbar to show the battery status.

How to install

Automated way

  1. Click "Code <>" > "Download ZIP"
  2. Navigate to your "Downloads" folder
  3. Extract the contents of the ZIP file
  4. Open a terminal inside that folder (alternatively, open the terminal and type cd Downloads)
  5. Enter sudo chmod +x
  6. Enter sudo ./
  7. Done!

Manual way

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Enter cd /home/pi

  3. Enter git clone

  4. Enter cd cyberdeck-battery-indicator

  5. Enter chmod 755

  6. Enter sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/display.desktop

  7. Type the following:

    [Desktop Entry]


    Exec=/usr/bin/python3 /home//cyberdeck-battery-indicator/

  8. Press ctrl+X, then press Y, then press enter

  9. Done!

It should now run at startup. If it doesn't work for you, cd to the directory (e.g. cd /home/pi/cyberdeck-battery-indicator), type python3, and check for error messages. Most likely there is a path/directory or permission error.


I first realized a taskbar battery indicator was feasible via this repo, and I used their icons:

I used code from the Geekworm repo to figure out how to obtain charge info:

This tutorial is helpful for creating startup routines: