arcaneframework / alien

Alien: an interface for linear solvers
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 7 forks source link
hpc library linear-algebra wrapper


All Alien world into one git repository. This repository aims at easing development by compiling together Alien's core, its high level dependencies and its plugins.

How to use ?

Simply clone this repository.

git clone
cd alien

After, you can run CMake (at least version 3.18).

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Useful CMake options:

We can mention also other generic CMake options :


Alien requires a recent build environment:

On Ubuntu-20.04, installing these packages is sufficient for running hypre solvers:

apt-get install build-essential cmake gcc g++ gdb \
        libhypre-dev \
        libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libgtest-dev libglib2.0-dev

For GoogleTest, one must finish installation by running:

cd $(mktemp -d) && cmake /usr/src/googletest && cmake --build . --target install

How it works ?

This repository contains the following subdirectories:

For git developers, Arccore and Arccon dependencies can be built on the fly by setting ALIENDEV_EMBEDDED to ON.

Documentation generation

Documentation is available on documentation, but can be locally built.

You need a python version 3 with sphinx and breathe modules.

You can easily create a conda environment as following:

cd $ALIEN_ROOT/tools/python
conda env create -f alien-env.yml
conda activate alien-env

Then the CMake flag for documentation has to be activated in the Alien configuration step

cmake -S `pwd`/alien \
      -B `pwd`/build-alien \

make -C `pwd`/build-alien install
make -C `pwd`/build-alien doc_alien

The documentation is generated in :

firefox `pwd`/build-alien/alien_doc/index.html