arch1t3cht / Aegisub

Cross-platform advanced subtitle editor, with new feature branches. Read the README on the feature branch.
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arch1t3cht's Aegisub "fork"

Download release builds here, or the latest CI builds here.

The release page also has detailed list of all changes and new features. If you're interested in the technical details or want to compile yourself, read on.

Don't we have enough Aegisub forks already??

We absolutely do, and I'm aware that adding another one doesn't sound like a good idea on paper. However,

Issues and Pull Requests

Please be aware that, even if this fork is currently effectively the "active Aegisub fork", I cannot promise full maintainership. The main purpose of this fork is collecting fixes and additions that I am sure are correct (with the goal of complicating the eventual merging of changes and additions upstream as little as possible). In particular, unsolicited pull requests with large additions are unlikely to get merged here. If you plan to send a large PR, feel free to contact me first to see if I'd be willing to merge it and/or have suggestions on how to implement it. Similarly, I cannot currently accept PRs that update or add translations to languages that I do not speak myself. I'm very sorry to have to limit contributions in this way, but I simply do not have the time and resources right now to act as a full maintainer.

As for issues and feature requests, I'll gladly take any bug reports, but if you encounter an issue, please check first if it occurs only on my fork, or also on official Aegisub or earlier TSTools builds. If it wasn't introduced by my fork, I can still take a look, but I can't promise anything. Also, in that case, please open the issues at the relevant upstream repositories rather than here. This makes it easier to find issues with my additions (which have much higher priority), and keeps the issues around when my fork eventually becomes less relevant.


Being a collection of different feature additions, this repository consists of a set of branches for different features, so that they can easily be merged into other repositories. The feature branch merges together all the features I deem as currently usable. Due to the structure of the repository, I will be force-pushing to this branch and some of the individual branches very frequently, so they're not ideal for basing further branches on.

The cibuilds branch makes some CI builds of snapshots of feature at relevant points in time.

Branch/Feature list

This list is for navigating the repository. Go to the release page for a more structured changelog.


If you're just looking to install Aegisub, you might want to check out the releases page or the CI builds first.

For compilation on Windows, see the TSTools documentation below. Also check the GitHub workflow for the project arguments.

On Arch Linux, there is an AUR package called aegisub-arch1t3cht-git. It's not maintained by me but seems to work.

On other Linux distributions or for manual compilation you can use this package or the TSTools PKGBUILD as a reference, in particular for installing the necessary dependencies if you don't want to compile them yourself. If all dependencies are installed:

Compilation flags

Some features are not enabled by default. To enable them, pass -D<feature>=enabled with the meson setup command:

You can also disable options that are active by default in the same way. Check the file meson_options.txt for all options.

To change the options of an existing build directory, run meson setup --reconfigure <new arguments> from inside the build directory.


Apart from the dependencies for the TSTools version, there are some additional dependencies. These are cloned and compiled from scratch if not found, but you might want to install binaries instead:


For binaries and general information see the homepage.

The bug tracker can be found at

Support is available on Discord or IRC.

Building Aegisub



  1. Visual Studio (Community edition of any recent version is fine)
  2. The June 2010 DirectX SDK (the final release before DirectSound was dropped)
  3. Python 3
  4. Meson
  5. CMake
  6. Powershell execution policy set to Unrestricted

There are a few optional dependencies that must be installed and on your PATH:

  1. msgfmt, to build the translations
  2. InnoSetup, to build the regular installer
  3. 7zip, to build the regular installer
  4. Moonscript, to build the regular installer

All other dependencies are either stored in the repository or are included as submodules.


  1. Clone Aegisub's repository: git clone
  2. From the Visual Studio "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt", generate the build directory: meson build -Ddefault_library=static (if building for release, add --buildtype=release)
  3. Build with cd build and ninja

You should now have a binary: aegisub.exe.


You can generate the installer with ninja win-installer after a successful build. This assumes a working internet connection and installation of the optional dependencies.

You can generate the portable zip with ninja win-portable after a successful build.


A vaguely recent version of Xcode and the corresponding command-line tools are required.

For personal usage, you can use pip and homebrew to install almost all of Aegisub's dependencies:

pip3 install meson
brew install cmake ninja pkg-config  libass boost zlib ffms2 fftw hunspell
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/icu4c/include"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig"

Once the dependencies are installed, build Aegisub with meson build && meson compile -C build.

Build dmg

meson build_static -Ddefault_library=static -Dbuildtype=debugoptimized -Dbuild_osx_bundle=true -Dlocal_boost=true
meson compile -C build_static
meson test -C build_static --verbose
meson compile osx-bundle -C build_static
meson compile osx-build-dmg -C build_static

Updating Moonscript

From within the Moonscript repository, run bin/moon bin/splat.moon -l moonscript moonscript/ > bin/moonscript.lua. Open the newly created bin/moonscript.lua, and within it make the following changes:

  1. Prepend the final line of the file, package.preload["moonscript"](), with a return, producing return package.preload["moonscript"]().
  2. Within the function at package.preload['moonscript.base'], remove references to moon_loader, insert_loader, and remove_loader. This means removing their declarations, definitions, and entries in the returned table.
  3. Within the function at package.preload['moonscript'], remove the line _with_0.insert_loader().

The file is now ready for use, to be placed in automation/include within the Aegisub repo.


All files in this repository are licensed under various GPL-compatible BSD-style licenses; see LICENCE and the individual source files for more information. The official Windows and OS X builds are GPLv2 due to including fftw3.