archethic-foundation / archethic-dapp-framework-flutter

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Archethic's flutter framework to create Archethic Dapps

This project provides widgets to facilitate the creation of Archethic DApps

Arb file management

Please, fill /lib/src/l10n/intl_en.arb file to externalize texts. Best practice: prefix each key with aedappfm_ to avoid doublons with DApp projects

To generate the arb file, you should:

Declare the localizations delegates in your DApp.

Add aedappfm.AppLocalizations.delegate in localizationsDelegates property of MaterialApp


To avoid key doublons, we recommand to suffix Archethic DApp Framework imports in the DApp project.
For example: import 'package:archethic_dapp_framework_flutter/archethic-dapp-framework-flutter.dart as aedappfm;
