Pegterest is a full stack web application inspired by Pinterest. Users can upload, save and manage images—known as pegs through collections known as pegboards.
This full-stack web application uses the structure:
On the Discover Page, pegs are organized in a Masonry-like fashion. They are given a minimum width. The columns are fitted according to the maximum amount of columns that can fit in the window. As a result, the window is resized, the page is responsive.
Many of the site's forms are displayed in an overlay on the current page rather than on a new page. Users can easily click outside of the modal window to return to the page they were on.
Implemented my own Modal component and used "Switch" statement to determine which modal to render.
const Modal = (props) => {
if (!props.modal){
return null;
let component;
case 'ShowPeg':
component = <PegShowContainer />;
case 'CreatePeg':
component = <CreatePegContainer />;
case 'EditPeg':
component = <EditPegContainer peg={props.modal.peg}/>;
case 'SavePeg':
component = <SavePegContainer peg={props.modal.peg}/>;
Users are able to upload images from their own devices onto the website. This uses react-dropzone. Users can either click on the dropzone or drag their images to upload to the site. The uploaded images are automatically rendered onto the home page.
onDrop={this.handleImageUpload} className="dropzone" minSize={1}>
let someclass;
if (this.state.image_url === ''){
someclass = "submit-create-button";
else {
someclass = "submit-create-buttonawesome";
<div className="submitouterdiv">
<input className={someclass} type="submit" value='Done' />
Once image load is successful, the "Done" button turns green.
Peginterest was designed and built in two weeks. The following features will be updated in the future.
User Following: Users will be able to follow other users.I will be using a joins table to implement this.
Infinite Scroll: The discover feed will gradually show more pins as the user scrolls down the page.
Search: Users will be able to search for the pins and boards that they are interested in.