archiebell / showme

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ShowMe is an application for securing sharing non-private and private photos with trusted friends.

Besides sending photos (with an optional text caption and optionally marked private) - you can save drafts, view the status of sent messages, and share (non-private) photos you receive to other applications.

It uses Axolotl for end-to-end encryption. Friends (and their keys/prekeys) are added via QR scanning; key verification is built-in. A built-in camera is used by default to avoid leaking taken photos to any other application/gallery. Photos are stored encrypted on disk. Tor is supported via Orbot. To prevent casual data leakage, private photos auto-delete after 4 hours and request not to be screenshotted.

The server is open source, and intended to be run by individuals, although a central server may be run also. It is possible to configure the server as an onion service, in which case routing over Tor is required.



Add A Friend


Take a Photo, Save For Later

Friendslist w/ Drafts

Recieving a Message

Recieving a Private Message




Why not Signal?

If you have read this and don't know why you would use this instead of Signal; use Signal.



Axolotl 1.4.3, patched to serailize things.

Axolotl (and ShowMe) leak sender/recipient metadata. Want to use keys derived from Axolotl leafs to encrypt the axolotl ciphertext (and senderkeyid that ShowMe adds) to make sender anonymous from POV of server. Recipient uses trial decryption to find sender. Could make recipient anonymous too if users would poll and buckets generated from Axolotl leafs, but this does not allow Push notifications (also below).


TLS with random Client Certs. Efficiency goal is Request-Response, no round trip. Security goal is attacker who breaks TLS once cannot impersonate user with replay. This requires user to sign w/ identity key, but signed request must be bound to session to prevent replay. Sign client cert w/ identity key to prevent replay of stolen request from user; server accepts and ignores client cert (except for signature check). Rotate client certs on every network change to reduce passive fingerprinting.

Would be MUCH BETTER to use TLS channel binding, but not supported in Android or Python.


Option, user can enable on Setup before first network use. Prompts user to install Orbot. Manually sets proxy settings. Should examine App/ACRA for proxy leaks.

If server is .onion, Tor required.


Not secure. Assuming participants trust each other; deleting private messages is good security. Private photos delete 4 hours after first viewed. Sent private photos (if storing enabled, not default) deleted 5 days after sending, if photo has been recieved.


Out of memory? Lot of items? Yes, want to fix.

Build This

(No) Google Cloud Messaging

GCM is needed to provide efficient notification to users when a message is recieved. Alternatives are nice, provide suggestions at issue.

Likely push notifications always needed, but pure-polling solution attractive. Can eliminate all registration from server - client polls at predefined buckets (one per Axolotl leaf) to retrieve new messages. Separating those polls would completely anonymize clients; but for efficiency probably will batch. (Plus, separate polling for different buckets would need random polling times.)

SQLCipher / IOCipher

Want, see issue, issue


Should be configurable in settings, ask on open, cache for 5 minutes. Would be used to unlock sqlcipher and iocipher. How to handle receiving messages with GCM push notification when app not unlocked?

Text Replies/Chat

Want, see issue.

Group Messages

Want, but long time from now.





cp config.sample config
vi config

With and WithOut Bug Reporting

WithOut bug reporting (untested):

With central bug reporting:

With custom bug reporting:


ShowMe uses

So ShowMe is ???? GPLv3?