archiecobbs / oathtoken

HOTP/OATH one-time password token for iPhone
7 stars 1 forks source link

NOTE: This project is not really being maintained any longer. Google Authenticator can be used as a replacement.


OATH Token is a free and open-source software token for two-factor authentication on the iPhone. OATH Token implements the RFC 4226 HOTP/OATH algorithm standard and is not tied to any proprietary server software.

Multiple tokens are supported and may be fully configured as event-based or time-based. Tokens can be fully edited at any time, until if and when put in "lockdown" mode, after which editing is permanently disabled.

Simple web-based provisioning is supported using custom oathtoken:// URLs.

OATH Token is compatible with the mod-authn-otp Apache authentication module.

View OATH Token in the App store by clicking here.
