architect-team / architect-cli

Command line interface for running Architect services locally
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Self-service cloud environments for everyone. Achieve deployment, networking, and security automation all at once with Architect.

--- Architect is the world's first [DevOps-as-a-Service]( toolset designed to help democratize environment provisioning for engineers. With Architect, anyone can deploy any service, anywhere, for any reason with the push of a button. Our unique approach to continuous delivery is powered by an embedded dependency resolver. By simply asserting your microservice dependenies, Architect is able to build a graph of your application and deploy the entire stack to your favorite cloud provider. Architect's CLI, which provides the full developer experience needed to create [components]( and operate local [environments](, is fully open-source. The CLI can deploy components locally using docker-compose, enrich the deployments with components found in Architect's Cloud registry, and allows developers to publish their own components to the registry both publicly and privately for free. ## Requirements * [**Docker**]( must be installed * [**Node.js** `v14`]( or higher must be installed ## Usage ```sh-session $ npm install -g @architect-io/cli $ architect COMMAND running command... $ architect (--version) @architect-io/cli/1.44.1-rc.1 linux-x64 node-v16.20.2 $ architect --help [COMMAND] USAGE $ architect COMMAND ... ``` ## Commands * [`architect autocomplete [SHELL]`](#architect-autocomplete-shell) * [`architect clusters [QUERY]`](#architect-clusters-query) * [`architect clusters:create [CLUSTER]`](#architect-clusterscreate-cluster) * [`architect clusters:destroy [CLUSTER]`](#architect-clustersdestroy-cluster) * [`architect components:versions [COMPONENT_NAME]`](#architect-componentsversions-component_name) * [`architect config:get OPTION`](#architect-configget-option) * [`architect config:set OPTION VALUE`](#architect-configset-option-value) * [`architect config:view`](#architect-configview) * [`architect deploy [CONFIGS_OR_COMPONENTS]`](#architect-deploy-configs_or_components) * [`architect destroy`](#architect-destroy) * [`architect dev [CONFIGS_OR_COMPONENTS]`](#architect-dev-configs_or_components) * [`architect dev:list`](#architect-devlist) * [`architect dev:restart [SERVICES]`](#architect-devrestart-services) * [`architect dev:stop [NAME]`](#architect-devstop-name) * [`architect doctor`](#architect-doctor) * [`architect environments:create [ENVIRONMENT]`](#architect-environmentscreate-environment) * [`architect environments:destroy [ENVIRONMENT]`](#architect-environmentsdestroy-environment) * [`architect environments:ingresses [ENVIRONMENT]`](#architect-environmentsingresses-environment) * [`architect exec [RESOURCE] [FLAGS] -- [COMMAND]`](#architect-exec-resource-flags----command) * [`architect help [COMMAND]`](#architect-help-command) * [`architect init [NAME]`](#architect-init-name) * [`architect link [COMPONENTPATH]`](#architect-link-componentpath) * [`architect link:list`](#architect-linklist) * [`architect login`](#architect-login) * [`architect logout`](#architect-logout) * [`architect logs [RESOURCE]`](#architect-logs-resource) * [`architect port-forward [RESOURCE] [FLAGS]`](#architect-port-forward-resource-flags) * [`architect register [COMPONENT]`](#architect-register-component) * [`architect scale [SERVICE]`](#architect-scale-service) * [`architect secrets:download SECRETS_FILE`](#architect-secretsdownload-secrets_file) * [`architect secrets:upload SECRETS_FILE`](#architect-secretsupload-secrets_file) * [`architect task COMPONENT TASK`](#architect-task-component-task) * [`architect unlink [COMPONENTPATHORNAME]`](#architect-unlink-componentpathorname) ## `architect autocomplete [SHELL]` display autocomplete installation instructions ``` USAGE $ architect autocomplete [SHELL] [-r] ARGUMENTS SHELL shell type FLAGS -r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions) DESCRIPTION display autocomplete installation instructions EXAMPLES $ architect autocomplete $ architect autocomplete bash $ architect autocomplete zsh $ architect autocomplete --refresh-cache ``` _See code: [@oclif/plugin-autocomplete]( ## `architect clusters [QUERY]` Search for clusters on Architect Cloud ``` USAGE $ architect clusters [QUERY] [-a ] ARGUMENTS QUERY Search query used to filter results FLAGS -a, --account= Architect account DESCRIPTION Search for clusters on Architect Cloud ALIASES $ architect cluster $ architect cluster:search $ architect cluster:list $ architect clusters:search $ architect clusters:list EXAMPLES $ architect clusters $ architect clusters --account=myaccount mycluster ``` _See code: [src/commands/clusters/index.ts]( ## `architect clusters:create [CLUSTER]` Register a new cluster with Architect Cloud ``` USAGE $ architect clusters:create [CLUSTER] [-a ] [--auto-approve ] [-t AGENT|agent] [-k | -h ] [--flag ] ARGUMENTS CLUSTER Name to give the cluster FLAGS -a, --account= Architect account -h, --host= -k, --kubeconfig= [default: ~/.kube/config] -t, --type=