archlinux-downgrade / downgrade

Downgrade packages in Arch Linux
GNU General Public License v2.0
570 stars 24 forks source link

`-- --nodeps` ignored #225

Closed glyh closed 6 months ago

glyh commented 6 months ago

:bug: Bug Report



sudo downgrade \
            --ala-only \
            --ignore always \
            "cuda=11.8.0-1" \
            -- --asdeps --nodeps

still fails due to dependencies not satisfied.

Command trace

[lyh@mechrevo ~]$ sudo downgrade \
            --ala-only \
            --ignore always \
            "cuda=11.8.0-1" \
            -- --asdeps --nodeps
+ sudo downgrade --ala-only --ignore always cuda=11.8.0-1 -- --asdeps --nodeps
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "gcc11", a dependency of "cuda"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:

:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] 
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'gcc11' required by cuda
++ printf '\033]0;%s@%s:%s\007' lyh mechrevo '~'
pbrisbin commented 6 months ago

Hi there, thanks for the report. Can you try running sudo bash -x downgrade ... so we can see exactly which command is failing?

glyh commented 6 months ago
sudo bash -x  downgrade \
                  --ala-only \
                  --ignore always \
                  "cuda=11.8.0-1" \
                  -- --asdeps --nodeps
+ .
++ test 'X\t' = 'X\t'
++ echo=echo
++ test -z ''
++ case "$0" in
+ PACMAN=pacman
+ PACMAN_CONF=/etc/pacman.conf
++ pacman-conf Architecture
++ head -n 1
+ DOWNGRADE_CONF=/etc/xdg/downgrade/downgrade.conf
+ (( !LIB ))
+ set -e
++ dirname downgrade
+ locale=./../share/locale
+ [[ -d ./../share/locale ]]
+ TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
+ TEXTDOMAIN=downgrade
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ --ala-only =~ ^-h$|^--help$ ]]
+ [[ --ala-only == \-\-\v\e\r\s\i\o\n ]]
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ --ignore =~ ^-h$|^--help$ ]]
+ [[ --ignore == \-\-\v\e\r\s\i\o\n ]]
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ always =~ ^-h$|^--help$ ]]
+ [[ always == \-\-\v\e\r\s\i\o\n ]]
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ cuda=11.8.0-1 =~ ^-h$|^--help$ ]]
+ [[ cuda=11.8.0-1 == \-\-\v\e\r\s\i\o\n ]]
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ -- =~ ^-h$|^--help$ ]]
+ [[ -- == \-\-\v\e\r\s\i\o\n ]]
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ --asdeps =~ ^-h$|^--help$ ]]
+ [[ --asdeps == \-\-\v\e\r\s\i\o\n ]]
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ --nodeps =~ ^-h$|^--help$ ]]
+ [[ --nodeps == \-\-\v\e\r\s\i\o\n ]]
+ (( UID ))
+ cli --ala-only --ignore always cuda=11.8.0-1 -- --asdeps --nodeps
+ conf_args=()
+ local conf_args
+ read_downgrade_conf conf_args
+ local var=conf_args
++ grep -E -v '^ *(#.*)?$' /etc/xdg/downgrade/downgrade.conf
++ xargs printf '%q '
+ eval 'conf_args=( )'
++ conf_args=()
+ parse_options --ala-only --ignore always cuda=11.8.0-1 -- --asdeps --nodeps
+ [[ -n --ala-only ]]
+ case "$1" in
+ shift
+ [[ -n --ignore ]]
+ case "$1" in
+ [[ -n always ]]
+ [[ always =~ ^(prompt|always|never)$ ]]
+ shift
+ shift
+ [[ -n cuda=11.8.0-1 ]]
+ case "$1" in
+ terms+=("$1")
+ shift
+ [[ -n -- ]]
+ case "$1" in
+ shift
+ pacman_args=("$@")
+ break
+ (( !1 ))
+ read_unique terms cuda=11.8.0-1
+ local var=terms
+ shift
+ [[ -n cuda=11.8.0-1 ]]
+ mapfile -t terms
++ printf '%s\n' cuda=11.8.0-1
++ sort -u
+ read_unique PACMAN_CACHE
+ local var=PACMAN_CACHE
+ shift
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ main cuda=11.8.0-1
+ local term candidates choice pkg exit_code=0
+ (( 1 ))
+ for term in "$@"
+ process_term cuda=11.8.0-1
+ local term=cuda=11.8.0-1 name operator version candidates choice
+ read -r name operator version
++ sed -r 's/(.*[^<>=~])(<=|>=|<|>|=|=~|==)([^<>=~].*)/\1 \2 \3/g'
+ installed=($(previously_installed "$name"))
++ previously_installed cuda
+++ read_pacman_conf LogFile
+++ sed '/^#\?LogFile *= *\(.*\)$/!d; s//\1/' /etc/pacman.conf
++ : /var/log/pacman.log
++ : /var/log/pacman.log
++ sed_msg 'to parse previously installed packages' '
    /.*\(installed\|upgraded\) \(cuda\) (\(.* -> \)\?\([^)]*\))/!d
  ' /var/log/pacman.log
++ local 'msg=to parse previously installed packages'
++ shift
++ sed '
    /.*\(installed\|upgraded\) \(cuda\) (\(.* -> \)\?\([^)]*\))/!d
  ' /var/log/pacman.log
++ currently_installed cuda
++ pacman -Qi cuda
++ awk -F ' : ' '
    /^Name / { name=$2 };
    /^Version / { version=$2 };
    END { if (name != "") printf("%s-%s\n", name, version) }
+ current=
+ candidates=($(search_packages "$name" | filter_packages "$name" "$operator" "$version" | sort_packages))
++ search_packages cuda
++ local name=cuda pkgfile_re index
++ pkgfile_re='cuda-[^-]+-[0-9.]+-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)'
++ index=
++ filter_packages cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local name=cuda operator== version=11.8.0-1 pkg
++ sort_packages
++ read -r pkg
++ curl --fail --silent
++ grep -Fv testing/
++ awk 'BEGIN { FS="/"; OFS="|" } { print $NF, $0 }'
++ sed_msg 'to parse A.L.A.' -E '
      /.* href="(cuda-[^-]+-[0-9.]+-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst))".*/!d;
      s||\1|g; s|\+| |g; s|%|\\x|g'
++ pacsort -f -t '|' -k 1
++ local 'msg=to parse A.L.A.'
++ shift
++ sed -E '
      /.* href="(cuda-[^-]+-[0-9.]+-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst))".*/!d;
      s||\1|g; s|\+| |g; s|%|\\x|g'
++ xargs -0 printf %b
++ cut -d '|' -f 2-
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-1
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-10
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-10 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-11
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-11 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-12
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-12 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-2
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-3
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-4
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-4 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-5
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-5 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-6
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-6 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-7
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-7 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.105-8
+++ vercmp 10.1.105-8 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.168-1
+++ vercmp 10.1.168-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.168-2
+++ vercmp 10.1.168-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.168-3
+++ vercmp 10.1.168-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.168-4
+++ vercmp 10.1.168-4 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.243-1
+++ vercmp 10.1.243-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.1.243-2
+++ vercmp 10.1.243-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.2.89-1
+++ vercmp 10.2.89-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.2.89-2
+++ vercmp 10.2.89-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.2.89-3
+++ vercmp 10.2.89-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.2.89-4
+++ vercmp 10.2.89-4 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=10.2.89-5
+++ vercmp 10.2.89-5 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.0.1-1
+++ vercmp 11.0.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.0.2-1
+++ vercmp 11.0.2-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.0.3-1
+++ vercmp 11.0.3-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.1.0-1
+++ vercmp 11.1.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.1.0-2
+++ vercmp 11.1.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.1.1-1
+++ vercmp 11.1.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.0-1
+++ vercmp 11.2.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.0-2
+++ vercmp 11.2.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.0-3
+++ vercmp 11.2.0-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.1-1
+++ vercmp 11.2.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.1-2
+++ vercmp 11.2.1-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.1-3
+++ vercmp 11.2.1-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.1-4
+++ vercmp 11.2.1-4 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.2-1
+++ vercmp 11.2.2-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.2.2-2
+++ vercmp 11.2.2-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.3.0-1
+++ vercmp 11.3.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.3.0-2
+++ vercmp 11.3.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.3.1-1
+++ vercmp 11.3.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.4.0-1
+++ vercmp 11.4.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.4.1-1
+++ vercmp 11.4.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.4.1-2
+++ vercmp 11.4.1-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.4.2-1
+++ vercmp 11.4.2-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.5.0-1
+++ vercmp 11.5.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.5.0-2
+++ vercmp 11.5.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.5.1-1
+++ vercmp 11.5.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.6.0-1
+++ vercmp 11.6.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.6.1-1
+++ vercmp 11.6.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.6.2-1
+++ vercmp 11.6.2-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.7.0-1
+++ vercmp 11.7.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.7.0-2
+++ vercmp 11.7.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.7.1-1
+++ vercmp 11.7.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.7.1-2
+++ vercmp 11.7.1-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.7.1-3
+++ vercmp 11.7.1-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=-1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=11.8.0-1
+++ vercmp 11.8.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=0
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ echo
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.0.0-1
+++ vercmp 12.0.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.0.0-2
+++ vercmp 12.0.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.0.0-3
+++ vercmp 12.0.0-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.0.1-1
+++ vercmp 12.0.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.1.0-1
+++ vercmp 12.1.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.1.0-2
+++ vercmp 12.1.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.1.0-3
+++ vercmp 12.1.0-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.1.1-1
+++ vercmp 12.1.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.1.1-2
+++ vercmp 12.1.1-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.1.1-3
+++ vercmp 12.1.1-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.1.1-4
+++ vercmp 12.1.1-4 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.2.0-1
+++ vercmp 12.2.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.2.2-1
+++ vercmp 12.2.2-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.0-1
+++ vercmp 12.3.0-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.0-2
+++ vercmp 12.3.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.0-3
+++ vercmp 12.3.0-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.0-4
+++ vercmp 12.3.0-4 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.0-5
+++ vercmp 12.3.0-5 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.0-6
+++ vercmp 12.3.0-6 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.0-7
+++ vercmp 12.3.0-7 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.1-1
+++ vercmp 12.3.1-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.1-2
+++ vercmp 12.3.1-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.1-3
+++ vercmp 12.3.1-3 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.3.2-1
+++ vercmp 12.3.2-1 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
++ matches_name_version_filter cuda = 11.8.0-1
++ local pkg= name=cuda operator== search_version=11.8.0-1 pkg_version version_regex
++ [[ -z = ]]
++ [[ -z 11.8.0-1 ]]
++ version_regex='[^-]+-[0-9.]+'
+++ sed -r 's/.*cuda-([^-]+-[0-9.]+)-(any|x86_64)\.pkg\.tar\.(gz|xz|zst)/\1/g'
++ pkg_version=12.4.0-2
+++ vercmp 12.4.0-2 11.8.0-1
++ cmp=1
++ case "$operator" in
++ (( cmp == 0 ))
++ read -r pkg
+ (( 1 == 0 ))
+ (( 1 == 1 ))
+ choice=
+ [[ -n ]]
+ to_ignore+=("$name")
+ to_install+=("$choice")
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ pacman -U --asdeps --nodeps
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "gcc11", a dependency of "cuda"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:

:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] N
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'gcc11' required by cuda
pbrisbin commented 6 months ago


+ pacman -U --asdeps --nodeps

This shows that downgrade is correctly passing the --nodeps flag to pacman. That is all we can do.

If pacman is doing something incorrect here, that'd be a pacman bug. I'm not totally familiar with this flag, what it's supposed to do, so you'd have to ask someone more familiar with it perhaps on IRC, the forums, or by reporting an issue with their bug tracker.

I'm going to go ahead and close this issue, but let me know if I've misunderstood something.