archlinux-downgrade / downgrade

Downgrade packages in Arch Linux
GNU General Public License v2.0
570 stars 24 forks source link


GitHub tag (latest SemVer) AUR version CI gitlocalized

Eases downgrading packages in Arch Linux.


Install via the AUR.


Usage: downgrade [option...] <pkg> [pkg...] [-- pacman_option...]

  --pacman        <command>
                  pacman command to use, defaults to "pacman"
  --pacman-conf   <path>
                  pacman configuration file, defaults to "/etc/pacman.conf"
  --pacman-cache  <path>
                  pacman cache directory,
                  default value(s) taken from pacman configuration file,
                  or otherwise defaults to "/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
  --pacman-log    <path>
                  pacman log file,
                  default value taken from pacman configuration file,
                  or otherwise defaults to "/var/log/pacman.log"
  --maxdepth      <integer>
                  maximum depth to search for cached packages, defaults to 1
  --ala-url       <url>
                  location of ALA server, defaults to ""
  --ala-only      only use ALA server
  --cached-only   only use cached packages
  --ignore        <prompt|always|never>
                  whether to add packages to IgnorePkg
  --version       show downgrade version
  -h, --help      show help script

  Options after the -- characters will be treated as pacman options.
  See downgrade(8) for details.

Downgrade packages checking both local cache and the A.L.A., which is the default behavior:

# downgrade foo bar

Downgrade packages, specifying multiple cache directories:

# downgrade --pacman-cache /path/to/cache --pacman-cache /path/to/other/cache foo bar

Downgrade a package with any of the following version-filtering operators =, ==, =~, <=, >=, < and >:

# downgrade 'foo=1.0.0-1' 'bar>=1.2.1-1' 'baz=~^1.2'

Downgrade a package, looking in only local cache:

# downgrade --cached-only foo

Downgrade a package, looking in only the A.L.A.:

# downgrade --ala-only foo


Command-line options can be set persistently in /etc/xdg/downgrade/downgrade.conf.

Development & Testing

Install cram:

make test