arcolinux / arcolinuxl-iso

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Project Update: Transition to New Repositories

Repository Status: Deprecated

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of April 2024, these GitHub repositories will no longer be maintained and are preserved solely as a reference for the numerous tutorial videos available on YouTube. For active development and ISO building guides, please visit our new repositories.

Transition Announcement

In April 2024, we announced a significant shift in our project to enhance simplification and efficiency. This update is focused on streamlining deployment and testing processes to improve the overall user experience.

Key Updates

Consolidation of ISOs

Calamares Installer Enhancements

Desktop Environment and Software Selection

Community Testing and Feedback

Future Directions and Bootloaders

Commitment to Education and Updates

Internet Connectivity and Kernel Testing

Guidance for Building ISOs

For detailed instructions on building your ISOs using the latest tools and best practices, refer to our new active repositories:

Just keep rolling

Users of ArcoLinuXL, ArcoLinuXS, ArcoLinuxD, and ArcoLinuxB ISOs can continue to enjoy the rolling release model, as these distributions are based on Arch Linux, which is inherently designed to roll forward with continuous updates.

NOTE: We use the archiso package from Arch Linux, which is subject to ongoing updates. Not every Arch Linux-based distro has access to this tool. Stay updated with the latest versions of archiso here.

We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we transition to these new platforms and enhance our project.