At Arcturus Industries, we work on things like visual-inertial SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), depth estimation, and scene reconstruction.
We want ARC file to work well for those tasks, but also a wider range of tasks like data capture for deep learning research topics like neural rendering, and view synthesis. And likely will be suitable to other tasks like volumetric video, and more.
Join us in the Discussions section
protoc --swift_out=. format/ARC.proto
flatc --swift format/ARC.fbs
GitHub: FlatBuffers swift/
directory fork for Swift Package Manager (SPM) compatibility
Thanks to Vikas Reddy for sharing reference code he developed for realtime 3D capture.
2021.2.6: Repository created & development started.
2021.2.13: Trivial Protobuf and FlatBuffers integration has been added to a testbench ARCViewer project (Mac/iOS for now).