ardevd / gitwrap

Windows Wrapper for Linux git executable
MIT License
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GitWrap is a Windows Wrapper for the Linux git executable.

Windows Subsystem for Linux is pretty awesome, but managing two separate git environment is not, especially if you use SSH keys. So, here is a little workaround that lets you call git from the WSL environment through a Windows executable.

GitWrap is experimental and can't be considered complete or reliable. It has been tested with Android Studio and seems to work pretty well when used with a compatible system.

NOTE: Please read through the list of known issues.



Download the latest GitWrap release and place the executable anywhere you want. GitWrap is completely portable. Then configure your IDE's git executable path and make it point to GitWrap.exe. It should now be using git from your Linux Subsystem on Windows 10.

It should work with other IDE's that allow you to specify the path to the git executable but I've only tested and verified functionality with Android Studio.

To manually verify that GitWrap is working, open up a command prompt and navigate to the directory containing GitWrap.exe

GitWrap.exe --version
git version 1.9.1

If you get the expected response from the --version command you should be good to go.


If you are running WSL with a non-default wslpath you can update GitWrap to use your specified path.

GitWrap.exe --setWslPath /root/mnt

You can verify the setting with --getWslPath

Known Issues

If you encounter any other issues, bugs or limitations please report them!